Beiträge, die mit masssurveillance getaggt sind
That person was Mark Klein, who died on March 8 this year from cancer. He was 79.
After a life working in telecoms, Klein realized he had helped the NSA wire up a listening station in AT&T's San Francisco switching facility - the infamous Room 641A - that was being used to illegally spy on Americans.
The evidence he gathered and shared led to two lawsuits that exposed the extent to which US citizens were being spied on by their own government in the post-9/11 world. Klein faced legal pressure, death threats, and the constant fear of ruin, to get his story out and tell the public what was going on. But Klein regretted nothing."
#USA #NSA #Surveillance #ATT #MassSurveillance #PoliceState #Privacy
#usa #israel #palestina #gaza #genocide #weapons #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #masssurveillance #police #military #oppression
Some people think the problem with mass surveillance is a kind of machine-driven, automated mind-control ray. They believe the self-aggrandizing claims of tech bros to have finally perfected the elusive mind-control ray, using big data and machine learning.
But you don't need to accept these outlandish claims – which come from Big Tech's sales literature, wherein they boast to potential advertisers that surveillance ads are devastatingly effective – to understand how and why this is harmful. If you're struggling with opioid addiction and I target an ad to you for a fake cure or rehab center, I haven't brainwashed you – I've just tricked you. We don't have to believe in mind-control to believe that targeted lies can cause unlimited harms.
And those harms are indeed grave."
#USA #AdTech #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #Privacy #BigTech #MassSurveillance #DataProtection
Google is a company valued at $2.343 trillion that has global infrastructure and a massive legal department and appears to be leaning into the current anti-humanitarian moment. The fifth largest company in the world seems to have chosen to make the few extra bucks (relative to the company’s earnings and net worth) that will come from mass surveillance tools and AI-enhanced weapons systems."
#AI #AIWarfare #Google #BigTech #MassSurveillance
Google is on the Wrong Side of History
Google continues to show us why it chose to abandon its old motto of “Don’t Be Evil,” as it becomes more and more enmeshed with the military-industrial complex. Most recently, Google has removed four key points from its AI principles.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Last Chance to fix #eIDAS
"New legislative articles, introduced in recent closed-door meetings and not yet public, envision that all web browsers distributed in Europe will be required to trust the certificate authorities and cryptographic keys selected by EU governments.
These changes radically expand the capability of EU governments to surveil their citizens by ensuring cryptographic keys under government control can be used to intercept encrypted web traffic across the EU. Any EU member state has the ability to designate cryptographic keys for distribution in web browsers and browsers are forbidden from revoking trust in these keys without government permission.
#Europe #Surveillance #Privacy #Data #Antireport
Last Chance for eIDAS
13 days before the first eIDAS vote, still no public
This use of such tech for policing and migration control:
❗️is dangerous for our #FundamentalRights
🚫 increases harms against already discriminated groups such as racialized communities & migrants
👁️ is invasive and normalizes #MassSurveillance
We have joined 114 civil society organizations, calling on EU policymakers to ensure the protection of human rights! ⬇
Police and migration authorities must respect fundamental rights when using AI - AlgorithmWatch
As AI systems are increasingly used by law enforcement, migration control and national security authorities, the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is an urgent opportunity to prevent harm, protect people from rights violations and provide legal…AlgorithmWatch
Internes Protokoll: EU-Staaten wollen Chatkontrolle in zwei Wochen beschließen –
Die Justiz- und Innenminister der EU-Staaten wollen Ende September über die Chatkontrolle abstimmen. Manche Länder wie Deutschland wollen mehr Zeit zum Verhandeln, wurden aber überstimmt. Diese kritischen Staaten können das Vorhaben