[Thread] Recently, the #WabigoonLakeOjibwayNation decided they wanted to store #NuclearWaste on tribal lands -- and adjacent #FirstNations have concerns over their decision. I swear, if this had happened before #KleeBenally wrote his book #NoSpiritualSurrender, Klee would have included it as yet another example of #TribalGovernments NOT looking out for the land and the people!
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DoomsdaysCW •
By Mike Stimpson, 2 January 2025
EAGLE LAKE – "#EagleLake #FirstNation is challenging the #NuclearWasteManagementOrganization’s site selection in court, and that’s more than welcome news to Neecha Dupuis.
"'I love it,' Dupuis, a member of the #Ojibway Nation of #Saugeen (#SavantLake), said from Ottawa. 'Just pure love.'
"Eagle Lake’s chief 'came and walked with us' in this year’s #WalkAgainstNuclearWaste, she noted.
"'It’s all coming together, like one giant dream catcher,' Dupuis said.
"Dupuis said she doesn’t understand #WabigoonLakeOjibway Nation’s decision to move forward with the NWMO on possibly constructing a deep geological repository, or DGR, for high-level nuclear waste.
"'For them to choose nuclear waste over the land, that doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense at all.'"
Eagle Lake First Nation challenges NWMO in court - Fort Frances Times
fftimes (Fort Frances Times Ltd.)DoomsdaysCW •
The fraught quest for a safe site to bury #NuclearWaste
by William Leiss Updated 8:12, Jan. 13, 2025
"In a landmark decision announced this past November, Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization, or the #NWMO, selected the municipality of Ignace in Northwestern Ontario as the site for the country’s first deep geological repository—DGR—for spent nuclear fuel. The repository is to be located within the traditional territory of the #WabigoonLakeOjibway Nation, forty-three kilometres from Ignace.
"The Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation—WLON—or #WabigoonFirstNation, based in the Kenora district southeast of Dryden and a member of Grand Council Treaty 3, is the First Nation partner for the NWMO in the Ignace area. Treaty 3 encompasses 55,000 square metres and stretches from eastern Manitoba to just west of Thunder Bay; it includes twenty-eight communities of #Anishinaabe peoples, located in Northwestern #Ontario and southeastern #Manitoba, with a total population of about 25,000. The WLON is a Saulteaux First Nation band and, as of 2021, had a registered population of 822, with an on-reserve population of 186 residing at Wabigoon Lake 27 Indian Reserve who operate a wild rice processing plant, a logging business, and a tree nursery there. The consultations over the possible DGR siting in the Ignace area led to some quite acrimonious public controversy among a number of First Nations communities, many of which are very close to each other in an area at the southernmost corner of the extreme northwestern edge of Ontario, near both the Manitoba and US borders."
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#EnvironmentalRacism #NoNukes #NuclearWaste
The Most Toxic Substance on Earth – and the Tiny Town Volunteering to Host It | The Walrus
William Leiss (The Walrus)DoomsdaysCW •
A region in northern Ontario was chosen Thursday as the site to hold Canada's nuclear waste in a deep geological repository, a critical milestone in a $26-billion, decades-long project to bury millions of used fuel bundles underground.
Allison Jones, The Canadian Press
Nov 28, 202
"The site selection process began in 2010 with 22 potential locations and was eventually narrowed down to two finalists in Ontario. Both #Ignace and #WabigoonLakeOjibwayNation in northern Ontario decided to move ahead, while the 'yes' side narrowly won in a referendum in the Municipality of South Bruce.
"But nearby #SaugeenOjibwayNation had not made a decision, and the #NWMO had a timeline of selecting a site by the end of this year.
"'We've been working with Saugeen Ojibway Nation for many years, and despite our best efforts, we did not see a path forward where Saugeen would be in a position to determine their willingness in the short, probably the mid-term,' Swami said.
"Chief Clayton Wetelainen of Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation said his community's role as the potential host for Canada’s used nuclear fuel is one of the most important responsibilities of our time.
"'We can not ignore this challenge and allow it to become a burden for future generations,' he wrote in a statement.
"The First Nation will ensure that its role as guardians of the land and water remains central to the decision-making process, Wetelainen and the council said, and the project can only continue if it can be proven to be built safely, with respect to the environment and in a way that protects Anishinaabe values.
"But #GrassyNarrowsFirstNation, also in northwestern Ontario, is upset with the decision. Grassy Narrows is grappling with generations of #MercuryPoisoning after a mill in Dryden dumped 9,000 kilograms of the substance into the English-Wabigoon River system in the 1960s.
"'This decision puts the people of Grassy Narrows in grave danger,' Joseph Fobister, Grassy Narrows' land protection team lead, said in a statement.
"'The transport of extremely dangerous nuclear waste and its disposal within our #watershed will do irreparable destruction to our lands, rivers, and our way of life, which have already been damaged by so many harmful decisions imposed on us.'"
#NuclearWaste #Canada #FirstNations
Northern Ontario site selected for nuclear waste underground repository
Allison Jones, The Canadian Press (Burnaby Now)DoomsdaysCW •
By Scott Miller
Published: May 24, 2024 at 4:46PM EDT
"In January 2020, members of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation voted overwhelmingly against plans to bury #Ontario’s low and intermediate level nuclear waste within two kilometres of #LakeHuron.
"Nadjiwon said while this project is different, the biggest question facing SON voters will be whether containing the radioactive waste in underground containers is the safest thing to do.
'“You’ve got to ask yourself the question: if they do break down, what is the risk of that un-contained radioactive waste getting to the surface, where it could have an impact?' asked Nadjiwon."
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#FirstNations #NuclearWasteRepository
'Not realistic': Saugeen Ojibway Nation may not vote on nuclear waste plan in 2024
Scott Miller (CTVNews)Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt
DoomsdaysCW •
By Tom Fennario, Oct 18, 2024
"Verna Polson steps out of the boat and onto the sand bar of Pointe aux Baptêmes. She walks a few feet before turning back towards the water, where the August morning light shimmers off the waves.
"There she makes a tobacco offering to the Ottawa River. Except for her, this waterway that divides modern-day Quebec and Ontario is known by its original Algonquin name: Kichi-Sìbì.
"The Great River.
"'Kichi-Sìbì is a place where our ancestors used to travel. That was their highway,' explains Polson. 'This is how they kept the land, protected from many different nations.
"Polson grew up near the Kichi-Sìbì in #TemiskamingFirstNation, about 300 kilometers north of here. On this day, she finds herself downstream to take in not only the beach of #PointeAuxBaptêmes but also the industrial smokestacks of the #ChalkRiverLaboratories. It sits less than a kilometre upstream from where Polson offered her tobacco- the site sticks out in contrast to the rolling hills and blue waters of the Kichi-Sìbì.
"This place is known as the cradle of the Canadian #nuclear industry.
"'I think about the water, I think about the animals and think about future generations and what they’re going to be left with,' says Polson. 'And that’s something I don’t want to leave my granddaughter and my great-grandchildren as something to deal with this nuclear waste.'
"Established in 1944 about 200 kilometres northwest of Ottawa, Chalk River Laboratories is famous for research that led to the development of the #CANDU (CANada Deuterium #Uranium) reactor, one of the most efficient and safe nuclear reactors ever created, according to officials in the industry.
"Researchers at Chalk River have gone on to win Nobel prizes, and for decades, it was a world leader in the creation of radioisotopes for fighting cancer.
"However, Chalk River also has a darker legacy which includes supplying fuel for American #NuclearWarheads and in 1952, being home to the world’s first #NuclearMeltdown.
"But much has changed since then. Chalk River Laboratories has been absorbed into #AtomicEnergyCanada, a #CrownCorporation that contracts out to a company called Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (#CNL) to operate it.
"CNL is currently in the midst of a government funded $1.2-billion facelift. But before it can be transformed into a state-of-the-art nuclear campus, nearly 80 years of #radioactive legacy waste must be addressed.
"In a statement, CNL says 'While this waste was stored according to the best practices and regulations at the time, standards have changed.'
"So the solution CNL is trying to get off the ground is called the Near Surface Disposal Facility (#NSDF).
"Others might call it a dump.
"'This facility will not bring great things to the water or the land,' says Polson, 'every one knows across #TurtleIsland, #WaterIsLife.'"
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#NuclearWasteStorage #EnvironmentalRacism #FirstNations #Canada
Nuclear waste site near Ottawa opposed by Algonquins
Tom Fennario (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network)Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt