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https://social.chinwag.org/@abc_bot/114123803376124701 I'm so utterly disinterested in this. I shan't even bother trying to watch His Maj Antony Green's wizardry on Aunty tonight. Whilst tis obvs that Lab will win again, i feel no positive passion at all about that. WA is totes state-captured by the abominable gas industry, & WA Lab have zero ethical superiority over their Liebs-Nats opponents. They're all climate-criminal arseholes.

#WAPol #AusPol #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance