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Oi, you. Yeah, you.

Feeling undesirably placid today?

Wanna get some justifiable climate rage into you instead?

Here ya go.

Burnt mansions: Why the next election is a fork in the road

7am Saturday Paper
Fri Jan 24 2025

As wildfires tore through some of LA’s most affluent neighbourhoods, burning down mansions owned by celebrities, some wondered if it might be a turning point in how seriously we take the climate crisis.

But climate scientist Joëlle Gergis wasn’t sharing that hope.

Instead, Gergis was angered by our heartache for wealthy communities while the impact of climate change disproportionately affects the poor.

And to make matters even worse, a climate denier has entered the White House.

Now, Gergis is turning her attention to the upcoming election here in Australia, where she says we have a choice to make about how comfortable we are being complicit on climate.

Today, climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis, on why the next election is a fork in the road for our climate.

Guest: Climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis
#podcast #AusPol #WhyIsLabor #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance