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Beiträge, die mit degrowth getaggt sind



🌍Somos Juventud x Clima Málaga 🌱, un movimiento de jóvenes luchando por un futuro sostenible y justo. Nos movilizamos por el clima y trabajamos para proteger nuestro entorno en Málaga y más allá 🌊

🌿 Acciones, manifestaciones y proyectos eco para un cambio real.

📢 Levantamos la voz por un planeta habitable para todes.

♻️ Únete y lucha con nosotras. ¡Juntas somos la ola de cambio!



🌍 We are Fridays for Málaga 🌱, a youth movement fighting for a sustainable and a fair future. We mobilize ourselves for climate action and we work to protect our environment in Málaga and beyond 🌊

🌿 Actions, protests, and eco projects for real change.

📢 We raise our voices for a habitable planet for everyone.

♻️ Join us and fight alongside us. Together, we are the wave of change!

#FridaysForFuture #Juventudporelclima #climatejustice #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateaction #degrowth

Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, comes out for #degrowth. A good piece that debunks the claims that #GDP growth will eradicate #poverty.
Politicians who claim otherwise are fooling you.

"Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights".
