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Beiträge, die mit FirstPost getaggt sind

HI! I'm an author and illustrator, living in Dublin, searching for other worlds and new ways to connect. If you have any recommendations for hashtags or servers about literature and art, I'd love to hear them!


An introductory post

Who am I

Hey, I'm Alex. Well, onto the next chapter we go...or not?

I'm a 40 years old kid, trying to understand how stuff works. I started long time ago, dissecting my toys and then continued to do so, just using bigger tools and more expensive toys.

I designed chemical plants, fire fighting systems and more, working as a Risk Analyst for environmental hazard, as well as designing and enhancing physical models for calculating impacts after major chemical leaks, explosions and such. Then I twisted my life and started working in IT, as an IT Architect. Once again, even bigger tools and even more expensive toys.

This is even boring to write, I imagine how boring would be to read, so let's move on.

Why I am here

As many of you may have experienced, sometimes life gets pretty hectic and chaotic, requiring you to lazo a thought in the middle of the vortex and put it on a page, black on white. This is the exact reason I'm here, trying to write stuff and talk about (mostly boring) stuff. And if you're wondering why “Here be (boring) dragons)”, the reason is quite simple: in maps all uncharted areas reported the phrase “Hic sunt dracones”, literally “Here be dragons”, to summarize that that area would have been dangerous, because unexplored. And what better way to do it than making your mind runs to a mythological creature to cause you to fear and cower in face of the unknown?

Well, living my life as an adult is pretty much all uncharted areas. I hadn't a dad for the major part of my life and I hadn't a great relationship with my mother. I'm in unexplored territories and don't know where to go. Some of you may sympathize with this statement, others may feel in the same situation. I'm no special by any means, and that's why on my map the adulting territory is marked with “Here be (boring) dragons”

If you read until here and managed to not yawn, congratulations. You may be as well in the same uncharted area.

#Introduction #FirstPost #Blog #HereBeBoringDragons

The journey into the adult life is basically moving on uncharted areas of the map. And there, there be dragons.


Welcome to all the recent #firstpost Mastodon arrivals!

Some tips to help you get started:

1. Share a post with your interests & the introduction # to let us know what you're about

2. Pin your intro post to your profile, as an extended bio.

3. For more traction (:boost_ok: boosts) add alt text descriptions to all your images.

4. Add a profile pic and fill in your bio page, so we know you're not a bot

#mastotips #feditips

:mastodon: :fediverse:
A children's red drum set, left out for the bin men. One skin is broken but otherwise it looks good.

Warum werden auf Mastodon eig die Beiträge von anderen Leuten nicht favorisiert, wie man das von anderen sozialen Netzwerken kennt? Oder bekomme ich das nur nicht angezeigt?
Und wie kann ich anderen Nutzer*innen zeigen, dass ich ihren toot mag?
Ich bin so lost :((

#neuhier #FediHilfe #firstpost

Hi. I seek to figure this place out.
So far I am a little confused.

(I am mostly confused about photos.)

#firstpost #newbie

This is my first time using social media / Mastodon. Thought i would share a blender artwork I did a while a go. I am still very much a beginner any tips are welcome.

The design is based of this series by lichtspieler erklärvideo manufaktur but very much original
Sharing this as a YouTube link due to the invidious instance not existing anymore.
#blender #art #newbie #lamps #3dart #firstpost #interiordesign #blender3d
A lamp hung on a chain from the ceiling.
It consists of many small green squares covering 3 ringform tubes in its center emitting light.
The same lamp but the background isn't lit anymore the only light coming from the lamp itself. Both images where created in blender.