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Beiträge, die mit MyfanwyAndFriend getaggt sind

Myfanwy, Friend & I would like to wish a Happy Hogmanay to all, and a Happy New Year when it comes

#MyfanwyAndFriend #sillyScribbles
An edited version of Bacchus by Caravaggio, with Bacchus represented by a large teal and cream knitted chicken (Myfanwy). She has grapes and vine leaves in her hair and wears a draped robe. On a stone table in front is a bowl of fruit and a large carafe of red wine. She holds a shallow goblet of the same wine. The painting has been extended to a square and to her right is Friend, a simple drawn figure also with grapes and vine leaves on their head. They have their arm around Myfanwy and the other holds a pineapple hollowed out and filled with a fruity drink, with straws poking up from it. In front of them on the table is a wooden calendar marking it as 31 December. There are also two party poppers, waiting to be popped at midnight.

A small thread of the weird old Christmas cards that didn't make it into the #MyfanwyAndFriend advent calendar.

Surely this would be an obvious choice given the chicken theme, but no, for two main reasons. First up THEY'RE EATING EGGS FOR BREAKFAST. What kind of monsters are they? And second, I could replace the hen with Myfanwy, but where could Friend be inserted? There is no good solution here.

1 /n
An illustration of a hen and cockerel in a B&B bed eating breakfast of egg and toast and coffee, looking at each other. It says A happy Christmas at the top.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Four

Where a silly artist reframes the nativity through the eyes of a knitted chicken and friend.

And with that we're done. Thank you for joining on me on this advent adventure.

(More impressed with myself than I should be that I didn't miss a day)

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
Image based on "The Nativity at Night" by Geertgen tot Sint Jans, painted around 1490, which shows the infant Christ, a pocket of light in the darkness, lying in the manger, watched over by Mary, Joseph and angels (another angel is visible as a bright light in the sky beyond). But this edited version is the culmination of the Myfanwy (large teal knitted chicken) and Friend (simple drawn figure) advent calendar series, so the crib contains a ball of teal wool, with Myfanwy taking the place of the mother looking down, face lit up by the light. Behind her in the dark is a knitted person holding a sheep. In the bottom right hand corner is a knitted Yule goat. On the left is another knitted person and a knitted angel, half out of frame, looking on admiring the wool. Friend is behind the crib, hands pressed together.

As people start drifting offline (comparatively if not totally) I thought I should do a Christmas card design that wasn't a messed up Victorian hellscape to wish a fun festive season to all who celebrate, and a fun non-festive season to all who don't.

I then failed to put a festive message on the design, because it ruined the picture 😆

But still... the thought is there.

Have a good one everyone x

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of Henry Raeburn's The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch where the Reverend skates in with both arms folded across his chest, wearing a black frock coat and hat. In this version the scene has been extended, and the Reverend has been replaced by Friend, a simple drawn figure, who is followed by Myfanwy, a large teal and cream knitted chicken. They both wear Santa hats. The image sits within a ornate frame.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Two

They march for all of us

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. There is a long line of small birds in a curve, each holding a lit torch, with a dark night sky above. Friend (a simple drawn figure), and Myfanwy (a large knitted chicken), have joined the march. Friend is half way back in the middle of a number of small birds, and holds their torch high. Myfanwy is nearer the front, on the right, and has a long torch tucked through her wool. She also has feet added, so she can join in the march, but the less said about them the better. The text on the card reads "May all jollity lighten your Christmas hours" which is odd, as I was fairly sure it was going to read "Capitalism isn't working" or similar. Definite protest march vibes from our feathered friends.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty One

Oops, nearly forgot to post today's advent. I would like to point out that neither Myfanwy nor Friend nor I condone pouring *anything* on unsuspecting musicians in the street, however bad they may be. I was just so bemused by the idea that this was an image for a Jolly Christmas Greeting I couldn't resist.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited old Christmas card. A trio of musicians stand in the street with their dog, and a couple stand at the open window to an upstairs room and tip something over them from a jug. The couple have been replaced by Myfanwy (a knitted chicken) and Friend (a simple drawn figure). I am not thinking too hard about what is being tipped over the trio. at the bottom is reads "Wishing you a jolly Christmas" (original) and there is a 21 in the top right (new).

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Nineteen

- I think we decided you needed to say something to the nice people today. What was it?
- *mumbles*
- So everyone can hear you please.
- Sorry.
- And what are you sorry for...?
- For turning Myfanwy and Friend into scary clowns.
- And what are you NEVER going to do again?
- Turn Myfanwy and Friend into scary clowns.
- OK. As you were.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles #clown
An edited version of an old greetings card. The original had a large clown face in the centre between two halves of a cracker being pulled. The clown wears traditional clowning outfit (red frilly collar, white frilled smock), had three pinnacles of black hair and traditional made-up face. Above the cracker on the left it says "Merry Christmas", and on the right it says "Greetings".

I have changed the clown to be a knitted chicken, with wing tips holding the cracker, and head poking up from the frilled outfit, looking straight to camera. Behind her I have added Friend, a simple drawn figure, but have added the clown hair and eyebrows, and given them a red frilly collar.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Eighteen

Back to frogs. There are a LOT of Victorian cards with frogs. No idea why.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. It features four frogs standing in height order, tallest on the left. Each of them is standing up, wearing boots and nothing else, while holding a pinkish umbrella above their head. In the top right the message reads "Every good wish for your Christmas". I have added a number 18 near the message, and added Myfanwy (a large knitted chicken) and Friend (a simple drawn figure) on the left, as they are taller than the tallest frog. Friend mimics the frogs, standing wearing boots and holding an umbrella.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Seventeen

For the benefit of festive niceties we are assuming the robins are drunk, despite some convincing arguments to the contrary.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. The original shows a table top with a bowl of punch, a lemon, a glass of drink, three robins and a cat. The cat is peering from behind the table, the three robins are on it; one in the punch, one standing on the bowl rim and leaning down to the glass, one lying on the tabletop legs in the air.

In this version the cat has gone, replaced with Friend, a simple drawn figure who is peering over the table and has a long straw dipped into the punch bowl. There is also an extra bird, in the form of Myfanwy, a cream and teal knitted chicken. She is standing behind the bowl, and is also drinking the punch through a straw. The robins remain in situ.

The number 17 is in the top right, and across the bottom it reads "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". It is this message that I use as evidence of drunkenness, rather than one robin drowned in punch, another lying dead on the table.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Sixteen

Back to the weird old cards today. Before anyone asks, I have no idea.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. It features a large pie against a cream backdrop, with a red border. The words "A Christmas Greeting" are written in curly script on the pie. In the original a cherubic girl is poking her head up through a hole in the centre of the pie, with some mistletoe on her head. The girl has been replaced with Myfanwy, a large knitted chicken, which arguably makes fractionally more sense. Behind the pie I have drawn Friend, a simple drawn figure wearing a Christmas tree knitted hat. They have their arms raised in confusion. Friend gestures for us all. In the top right hand corner is the number 16. In small print across the bottom it says "No knitted chickens were harmed during the making of this image".

Eight months ago @sheepnik posted a photo of Myfanwy, we had a silly chat about making bigger & bigger emotional support chickens & then everything got even sillier.

About two weeks ago she mentioned the possibility of Godzilla vs King Kong, but with Myfanwy & the Yule Goat, & it's been squirreled away in my brain ever since. It felt suitably BIG to celebrate 100 Myfanwy pictures.

Friend is in here too btw, but they're hiding. I mean, you would, wouldn't you?

#MyfanwyAndFriend #film #parody
A parody poster of Godzilla vs. Kong, where the two of them are looming HUGE behind a grimy blue-grey cityscape, helicopter flying over, fiery clouds on the top tight lighting up Kong in the original. The title is in slightly metallic grimy text at the bottom.

Here the title has been changed to Myfanwy vs. Yule Goat. The two characters have been changed to large knitted creations. On the right, tinged red, is Myfanwy the teal and cream knitted chicken. On the left a large knitted Yule Goat, a mustard yellow with red stripes. At the top it reads ONE MUST FALL.

I would watch.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Fifteen

A break from the oddness, just a wee festive walk on a frosty riverbank with the local moorhens

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles #xmasHatting
A photo of a riverbank. At the bottom a section of frost covered grass, then a background of flat grey water Along the edge of the grass walk 4 figures, all wearing Santa hats. Leading the pack is Myfanwy, a large cream and teal knitted chicken. Behind her a moorhen, behind them Friend, a simple drawn figure, then another moorhen at the back, this last one lifting one of its legs up so you can see the amazing long feet. I'm not sure where they are going.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Fourteen

After the Friday dance interlude we're back to weird old Christmas cards, and this puzzling frog based mishap.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An old illustrated Christmas card. At the top it says "A hearty Christmas greeting" and at the bottom right there is a rhyme:

Four jovial froggies 
a skating would go;
They had asked their mamma,
but she'd sternly said "No!"
And they all came to grief in a beautiful row.
There's a sweet Christmas moral for one not too slow.
Just so!

Read the last line as "Just go!" to start with, but what would be the g isn't the same as the one in froggies, so I think it's an s.

Anyhow, in this version froggie number 4 is Friend, a simple drawn figure, wearing a frog hat. Myfanwy, a large knitted chicken, watches them from behind a fence.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Thirteen

Once again teaming up with the Friday dancers for some funky Friday chicken moves, this time on the snow covered mountains near Glencoe.

#sillyScribbles #xmasScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #MyfanwyAndFriend #animation #Scotland

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twelve

Playing around with a not-quite-as-weird old card today, although without context it has a slightly more sacrificial vibe than I would traditionally include on a festive card.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An old illustrated Christmas card of a snowy moonlit outdoor scene. There is a hare wearing in a blindfold centre stage, arms outstretched.  There are three more hare and three owls dancing in a circle around it. I have added Myfanwy (a large knitted chicken) and Friend (a simple drawn figure wearing fake red antlers) to the circle. There is a number 12 in the top right, and the original copy of the card reads:
"By loving friends you are surrounded
Oh, be not blind to this, I pray
They wish that mirth and joy unbounded
May crown your happy Christmas day"
Which helps alleviate the otherwise unsettling sacrificial vibe.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Ten

(I have no words)

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
One the right hand side is an original Victorian Christmas card with a plucked turkey, festooned in a string of sausages, running across a snowy field. The text reads Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I have extended it out to the left, where Myfanwy the large knitted chicken now looks on, beak open in shock, and Friend, a simple draws figure, hides behind her, peering over her back.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Nine

Because sometimes you leave things a bit late, get distracted by weird cards, and make dubious decisions.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An illustrated Christmas card from over 100 years ago, based on what I could ascertain. It has a gold patterned border, "A Merry Christmas" in pink text across the bottom, and "under the mistletoe" arced over the top, also in pink. There is a person in a black suit crouched down under a huge mass of mistletoe. He is creeping towards a person in a pink and yellow frock with a large pink bow at the back, who is holding a fan and a posy of flowers. There is a gold, red and white throne like chair between and behind them both. The mistletoe creeper is now Friend, a simple drawn figure. The frocked person is now Myfanwy, a large knitted chicken.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Eight

A classic festive scene of friends playing in the snow. And if we get some proper snow this year I am definitely going to be trying to recreate this.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
A photo of a snowy riverbank. A large knitted chicken (Myfanwy) and a simple drawn figure (Friend) wear Santa hats and have been building snow person and snow hen versions of each other.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Seven

A quick update of another old card image, as it is time for the Muppet Christmas Carol and tree decorating here. Woo!

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An old sepia toned card with an angel sitting on the edge of a wooden wheelbarrow carrying a Christmas tree., with the words Joyeux Noel at the top. I have added a small knitted chicken toy into the cart, turned the angel into a simple drawn figure (Friend) and added a large knitted chicken supervisor on the left (Myfanwy). Ther eis a number 7 at the top right.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Six

Twinned with the Friday Sparkly Dancers for an end of week spectacular at the Christmas market. No prizes for spotting which one went out partying & missed the memo...

#sillyScribbles #xmasScribbles #FridaySparklyDancers #MyfanwyAndFriend #animation #nonsense

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Five

I have actually made this old card make MORE sense. In the original the surprised looking pup on the right was just looking at another dog in a hat. No reason for the surprise whatsoever. NOW however... now there's a surprise.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An old illustrated sepia toned Christmas card with "May your Christmas be happy" written in curly script across the top. There are three sitting dogs wearing paper conical hats. The two on the left are looking forward, the one on the right is looking to the right, mouth open in astonishment. Originally there was just another dog there. Now on the right hand side there is a simple drawn figure (Friend) sitting in a doggy pose, and a large knitted chicken (Myfanwy). Both of them where the same kind of conical hat as the dogs. The number 5 is in the top right.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Four

Me: I need to stop editing odd old festive cards & just do a nice normal festive scene.

Also me: It's a bit odd having Santa & an angel praying together by a Christmas tree isn't it? Fusion festivities. Bet I can make it even weirder.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old Christmas card which showed a kneeling Santa figure in a red gown and an angel behind him, hands raised in prayer. There is a decorated Christmas tree by their side, and a snowy landscape behind. It says "A happy Christmas" in green curly lettering in the top left. I have edited the Santa figure so h is now a teal and cream knitted chicken (Myfanwy) and changed the angel into a simple drawn figure (Friend). There is a number 4 in the top right.

The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day One

(aka the OMG-it's-7pm-and-I've-not-done-it-yet panic photo shoot)

Let's get the festivities started🎄

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
A photo of a teal and cream knitted chicken wearing a Santa hat, next to a simple figure drawn in sharpie on some white card, nestled in a mass of multi-coloured fairy lights against a black backdrop. The number one is in the top right.

Do you remember with fond nostalgia the Joy Division album artwork for Unknown Pleasures?

Enjoy following the exploits of a knitted emotional support chicken called Myfanwy?

Then you are my Special Niche Audience for this, that popped into my head last night & that I HAD to make, as I am very definitely my own niche audience.

#sillyScribbles #MyfanwyAndFriend
A square image, white on black, a pastiche of the Joy Division Unknown Pleasures album cover (a stacked plot of the radio emissions given out by a pulsar). In place of the band name this one says MYFANWY, and the album title is EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. The stacked design is a similar line with raised area, but the raised area is the shape of Myfanwy the knitted emotional support chicken in profile, some looking left, some right.

Myfanwy Explored, Explained, Exploded (2024)

I wasn't sure about this given that I'd already done The Physical Impossibility of Wool in the Mind of a Knitted Chicken. It felt a bit derivative. Then I decided if Hirst can get away with it so can I.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #nonsense
A pastiche of Hirst's Myth Explored, Explained, Exploded (1993), which had a shark split into three containers. The three containers here contain a large knitted chicken against a white wall and plain green tinged wooden floor. A simple  drawn figure sits on a bench and contemplates the work.

As a distraction from, you know, all that, I'm thinking ahead & planning a #MyfanwyAndFriend advent calendar, probably based on festive artworks & those weird Victorian xmas cards.

On the off-chance anyone else wants a distraction atm...

1. Do you have a favourite festive image in either of those categories in desperate need of a knitted chicken & poorly drawn cartoon figure? Drop me a title or link below if so.

2. Does anyone know a good source of high res old public domain xmas cards?
