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The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Two

They march for all of us

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. There is a long line of small birds in a curve, each holding a lit torch, with a dark night sky above. Friend (a simple drawn figure), and Myfanwy (a large knitted chicken), have joined the march. Friend is half way back in the middle of a number of small birds, and holds their torch high. Myfanwy is nearer the front, on the right, and has a long torch tucked through her wool. She also has feet added, so she can join in the march, but the less said about them the better. The text on the card reads "May all jollity lighten your Christmas hours" which is odd, as I was fairly sure it was going to read "Capitalism isn't working" or similar. Definite protest march vibes from our feathered friends.
Ha! I wondered if this one was going to make an appearance 😁
Couldn't resist. I was very close to giving Friend a placard instead of a torch.