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The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twelve

Playing around with a not-quite-as-weird old card today, although without context it has a slightly more sacrificial vibe than I would traditionally include on a festive card.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An old illustrated Christmas card of a snowy moonlit outdoor scene. There is a hare wearing in a blindfold centre stage, arms outstretched.  There are three more hare and three owls dancing in a circle around it. I have added Myfanwy (a large knitted chicken) and Friend (a simple drawn figure wearing fake red antlers) to the circle. There is a number 12 in the top right, and the original copy of the card reads:
"By loving friends you are surrounded
Oh, be not blind to this, I pray
They wish that mirth and joy unbounded
May crown your happy Christmas day"
Which helps alleviate the otherwise unsettling sacrificial vibe.