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Do you remember with fond nostalgia the Joy Division album artwork for Unknown Pleasures?

Enjoy following the exploits of a knitted emotional support chicken called Myfanwy?

Then you are my Special Niche Audience for this, that popped into my head last night & that I HAD to make, as I am very definitely my own niche audience.

#sillyScribbles #MyfanwyAndFriend
A square image, white on black, a pastiche of the Joy Division Unknown Pleasures album cover (a stacked plot of the radio emissions given out by a pulsar). In place of the band name this one says MYFANWY, and the album title is EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. The stacked design is a similar line with raised area, but the raised area is the shape of Myfanwy the knitted emotional support chicken in profile, some looking left, some right.
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