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The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Seventeen

For the benefit of festive niceties we are assuming the robins are drunk, despite some convincing arguments to the contrary.

#MyfanwyAndFriend #xmasScribbles
An edited version of an old illustrated Christmas card. The original shows a table top with a bowl of punch, a lemon, a glass of drink, three robins and a cat. The cat is peering from behind the table, the three robins are on it; one in the punch, one standing on the bowl rim and leaning down to the glass, one lying on the tabletop legs in the air.

In this version the cat has gone, replaced with Friend, a simple drawn figure who is peering over the table and has a long straw dipped into the punch bowl. There is also an extra bird, in the form of Myfanwy, a cream and teal knitted chicken. She is standing behind the bowl, and is also drinking the punch through a straw. The robins remain in situ.

The number 17 is in the top right, and across the bottom it reads "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". It is this message that I use as evidence of drunkenness, rather than one robin drowned in punch, another lying dead on the table.