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Beiträge, die mit IWD2025 getaggt sind

Disabled women are more likely to experience abuse than their non disabled peers.

We’re often trapped with caregivers who treat us badly & lack the financial support to leave. We may also be physically dependent on the abuser for basic activities of daily living.

Many disability benefits are cut if you marry or cohabitate, which further enforces dependency.

For International Women’s Day help us fight for a universal basic income, better social and medical support and access so that we may regain as much autonomy as possible.

#IWD2025 #InternationalWomensDay #disability #disabilityrights #ableism #ubi #autonomy #abuse

This International Women's Day, we want to highlight the injustice that leaves women at greater risk of being pushed into poverty. Our report with the Scottish Women's Budget Group uncovers the heartbreaking struggles women face as a result. #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction
Text says “Sad one this for me, sold jewellery, mine and my gran’s wedding rings…but it is to help in a crisis that our household is facing and needs action fast so it had to be done”. povertyalliance.org Poverty Alliance logo

"Time and time again, we see the same pattern: Feminist outrage is conditional, activism is selective, and solidarity is reserved for those whose struggles do not challenge Western power."

#IWD #IWD2025 #Palestine #feminism


Schon wieder ein Frauentag? ^^
Immer wieder bis Frauen und Mädchen die gleichen Chancen wie Männer und Jungen haben.
#Frauenrechte und #Gleichstellung sind keine Gefälligkeiten!
Wir bitten nicht, wir fordern.
#Frauentag❗️#ForAllWomanAndGirls #IWD2025
Bildtext: Internationaler Frauentag. Machen was nötig ist: Gleichstellung JETZT. Piratenpartei Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Bild: Eine junge Frau hält ihre Hände, die in Boxhandschuhen stecken, in Verteidigungspose wie beim Boxen hoch.

Bis 1994 durften #Frauen in Westdeutschland nicht auf dem Bau arbeiten. Heute sind 14 Prozent der Beschäftigten im #Baugewerbe weiblich. „Wir brauchen mehr starke Frauen auf unseren Baustellen“, sagen Bauministerin Geywitz und die Expertinnen in unserem Video-Thread 👷‍♀️👇 #Weltfrauentag #IWD2025 (1/7)

Der internationale Weltfrauentag feiert diverse Errungenschaften von Frauen und ruft zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter auf. Wir betrachten #Gleichberechtigung auch über den Weltfrauentag hinaus als grundlegende Voraussetzung.
#IWD2025 #AccelerateAction
Klaus Müller, Präsident der Bundesnetzagentur: "Kolleginnen und Kollegen machen hier den gleichen Job. Es zählt, was wir gemeinsam bewegen. Darum kann es nur 'Gleiches Recht. Gleiche Chancen. Gleiches Geld' für alle geben."
Dr. Daniela Brönstrup, Vizepräsidentin der Bundesnetzagentur: "Ein gutes Team besteht aus starken Frauen und Männern. Gleichstellung ist unser Ziel. Dafür treten wir kontinuierlich ein."
Barbie Haller, Vizepräsidentin der Bundesnetzagentur: "Arbeiten wir daran, dass es irgendwann den Weltfrauentag nicht mehr braucht."

Dear sisters, please don’t give up…

Don’t give up on your dreams.

Don’t give up on your voice.

Don’t give up on your rights.

Don’t give up on your ambitions.

Don’t give up on your professional aspirations.

Don’t give up on your goals.

Don’t give up on your vision.

Don’t give up on your personal growth.

Don’t give up on your authentic self.

Happy International Women's Day!

#iwd2025 #Frauentag #dzieńkobiet #iwd #Weltfrauentag #InternationalWomensDay #leadership #dei #diversity
A smiling person in an orange sweater holds a round, colorful patch featuring a rainbow and the phrase "DON'T GIVE UP" on it. The background is dark.

Tomorrow is International Women's Day - we won't be around tomorrow so we're celebrating now!

We've decided to introduce you to the women that inspire our community team. Michael is inspired by Maria Ressa, Saskia is inspired by Jen Beattie, and Freddie is inspired by Ahoo Daryaei.

Let us know which women inspire you in the comments 👇

Learn more about IWD here: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/

#IWD2025 #IWD #WomensVoices #GenderEquality #Inspiration #SocialWeb #Fediverse #WomenOnFedi #SocialMedia
A graphic showing Maria Ressa, CEO of Rappler, as an inspiration to Michael. Copy: Co-founder and CEO of Rappler, Ressa is a world renowned journalist. After working to combat fake news, she was arrested by the Filipino authorities in 2019 over accusations that Rappler published a false story. As Ressa was an outspoken critic of the Filipino government, many saw the charges as politically motivated. Widespread outrage ensued, with many journalists and human rights experts demanding her release. She was found guilty but is still awaiting conviction. Ressa’s work to protect freedom of expression and democracy led to her being jointly awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.
A graphic showing Jen Beattie MBE, ex-footballer, as an inspiration to Saskia. Copy: A Scottish football icon who debuted for her national team at just 17. Beattie has gone on to have an illustrious career, winning five WSL titles, four FA Cups, four League Cups, and a W-League Cup. In 2020, Beattie was diagnosed with breast cancer. She continued to play football throughout her treatment, even scoring in a game just days after her diagnosis. As a result, she won the Helen Rollason Award in 2021 and has been awarded an MBE for her contributions to sport and charity. She retired from professional football in 2025.
A graphic showing Ahoo Daryaei as an inspiration to Freddie. Copy: Iranian student Daryaei started an international movement last year when she was harassed by "morality police" on the Islamic Azad University campus where she is a doctoral student. In response she took off her clothes and waited to be arrested. Acts of resistance are often planned but Daryaei reacted spontaneously and demonstrated incredible bravery without knowing what would happen or that her resistance would even be noticed. After international outcry, she was released on 19/11/2024.