Beiträge, die mit TradWives getaggt sind
“The Stepford Wives” was a horror film, not a blueprint for modern living. But @damemagazine sees it today in the rise of the misogynist tech bros and the use of technology to move the world backwards, not forwards. “Whatever tools and electronics we have lying around, we can use them to make a future of equality and freedom for everyone, or we can use them to make a future of slavery and death,” writes Noah Berlatsky. “For better and worse, those choices are the same now as when Joanna first traveled to Stepford. And they’re the same now as when, against her will, she was bloodily removed from it.”
#StepfordWives #PopCulture #Movies #TradWives #Feminism #Politics #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
#StepfordWives #PopCulture #Movies #TradWives #Feminism #Politics #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
The Disturbingly Prophetic Message of ‘The Stepford Wives’ | Dame Magazine
Since The Stepford Wives was first shown on movie screens 50 years ago, its title has become shorthand for women in thrall to a throwback domesticized femininity.Noah Berlatsky (Dame Magazine)
Vortrag & Diskussion: #TradWives & Co. – Antifeministische Influencerinnen auf TikTok und Instagram (Mareike Fenja Bauer)
Wann: Freitag, 24.01. | 19:00 Uhr
Wo: MONAliesA, Bernhard-Göring-Straße 152, 04277 Leipzig
Vortrag & Diskussion: #TradWives & Co. – Antifeministische Influencerinnen auf TikTok und Instagram (Mareike Fenja Bauer)
Wann: Freitag, 24.01. | 19:00 Uhr
Wo: MONAliesA, Bernhard-Göring-Straße 152, 04277 Leipzig