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Beiträge, die mit womanneedsmanlikefishneedsbicycle getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit womanneedsmanlikefishneedsbicycle getaggt sind

Inhaltswarnung: Tame Grace? Good luck with that. I delight in her brave belligerence - Jane Caro


These comments, while hoping to highlight the sheer horror of this attack, also perpetuate the myth that in some cases, women somehow share some responsibility for their own deaths. Such as that she had stayed in a bad relationship, made a poor decision to walk alone at night, that she family had connections to unsavoury characters.

Would the death of a young woman inside the house have been less of a tragedy if she had been in the “right address” at the right time”?
Not only do men keep murdering women, but then other men keep verbally mischaracterising the events. JFC.

#FsckRWNJs #FsckThePatriarchy #FsckMisogynists #FsckSexists 🖕
#Feminism #WomensRights #WomensRepresentation #misogyny #sexism #DomesticViolence #DieDickswingersDie #WomanNeedsManLikeFishNeedsBicycle #MaleViolence #WomensSafety