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Beiträge, die mit noNukes getaggt sind

Isn't she such a peach?
The deputy opposition leader, Sussan Ley, says the teals have not delivered on their vow to change politics in Canberra.

“These teal independents said they would change Canberra, but three years on it is clear Canberra has changed them, and Australians have seen that,” she says.

“They said they would hold the government accountable, instead they spend most of their time opposing the opposition.”
My party's parliamentarians are such ginormous fuckheads that even the advent of a net rise in the parliamentary collective IQ & decency, via the Teals arriving, has been insufficient to fix our blatant genetic shitfuckery.

Translation of the translation:
We're arseholes, so that's their fault.

Yay Sussssssssssssssssssssan! 🙄🤦‍♀️


#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists

The Lies Have It: #XcelEnergy Wins Operating Extension for Nation’s 5th Oldest Nuclear Reactor

by John Laforge, January 10, 2025

"I.F. Stone famously said, 'All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.' The aphorism applies well to #NuclearReactor operators, including Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy.

"The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (#NRC) has granted Xcel a second license extension for operating its 54-year-old #MonticelloReactor on the #MississippiRiver in #Minnesota. The decision will permit this GE jalopy, a #Fukushima clone, to run until it’s 80 years old — a dangerous feat never been done in the history of nuclear power. The NRC received over 3,000 public comments mostly critical of the extension, but the the commission has rubber stamped 87 of 92 similar requests, so call the NRC Never Really Concerned.

"The NRC nod is based partly on the commission’s Final Environmental Impact Statement (#EIS) for the re-licensing, even though the document confirms that Xcel repeatedly made false statements about its massive 2022-‘23 leak of #radioactive cooling water. According to a March 16, 2023 Associated Press (AP) story, Xcel’s first public response to the major leak was, 'There’s no danger to the public.' Xcel then proceeded to understate by more than half the leak’s actual volume, only estimating it was 400,000 gallons.

"Xcel eventually acknowledged that volume of the leak, from an old corroded underground pipe, was 829,000 gallons, and that the #groundwater plume of reactor cooling water — some of which would later reach the Mississippi River — had a radioactive footprint of some fourteen curies of #tritium — a very large amount. (For a reference, the 1979 partial reactor meltdown at Three Mile Island released an estimated 15 curies of gaseous radioactive iodine-131 to the Pennsylvania atmosphere. Other radioactive materials went into the Susquehanna River.)

"Xcel’s 829,000-gallon leak was always a direct threat to drinking water because — as the company’s own 2023 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report states on page 13 — 'It is assumed groundwater continuously flows to the river…' The Mississippi is the drinking water source for 20 million people, including #Minneapolis, #StPaul and their surrounding suburbs 37 miles downstream from the leaky reactor."

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#RethinkNotRestart #NoNukes #NuclearPowerCorruptionAndLies #WaterIsLife #MonticelloNuclearPlant

#Tribes, #environmentalists gather forces against Amazon’s #Northwest #nuclear plan

Amazon’s push for small modular nuclear reactors [#SMR] is just the latest development in decades long fight over #NuclearEnergy

By Antonio Sierra (OPB)
Jan. 7, 2025

"Chuck Johnson was 25 years old when he helped bring Oregon’s nuclear energy industry to a sudden halt.

"Fresh out of college, Johnson helped lead signature gathering and field organizing to pass Ballot Measure 7, which banned all new nuclear power plants in the state until the U.S. had a federally licensed permanent disposal facility. When Oregon’s only nuclear energy facility was closed in 1992, the measure effectively ensured that nothing would take its place unless major changes happened.

"For decades those changes seemed unlikely, but a new push by the power-hungry tech industry has reignited interest in nuclear energy in the region.

"Amazon announced in October that it is partnering with Energy Northwest to develop and build nuclear reactors in southeast #WashingtonState that would power its #DataCenters in #Umatilla and #Morrow counties. Amazon would work with its partners to develop and roll out a novel technology – small modular nuclear reactors – without brushing up against the limits of Measure 7 because the reactors would be north of the #ColumbiaRiver.

"For Amazon, SMRs would allow the tech and e-commerce giant to harness the immense, low-carbon [sic] power potential of nuclear energy while staying true to its climate goals, and avoiding the safety and environmental concerns that have plagued traditional reactors. More than 40 years after passing Measure 7, Johnson isn’t convinced.

"'If you can’t get rid of the waste produced by these plants, it’s irresponsible for us to – for the sake of some electricity right now – leave this legacy to future generations,' he said.

"Johnson is a part of a group of environmentalists, academics and American Indian tribes who are gathering force against a nuclear energy revival in the Northwest.

"Nuclear energy opponents argue that SMRs are simply a new coat of paint on the industry’s old problems. Like traditional reactors, they say that SMRs aren’t economically feasible and risk exposing people to #NuclearRadiation in a region still recovering from its World War II legacy."

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#NoNukesForAI #NoNukesForBezos #AmazonCorporation #NoNukesForTechBros #NoNukes #NativeAmericanActivism #AntinuclearActivism #NoNukesForBigTech #BigTech #AWS #Downwinders #CorporateColonialism

#PBSNewsHour video from 2022: Residents in the #Southwest struggle with the health effects of #NuclearOre extraction

By Stephanie Sy, Lena I. Jackson, and Frank Carlson
Aug 8, 2022 6:30 PM EST

"Residents of the Southwest including many #IndigenousPeople have for years been exposed to high levels of radiation from #uranium extraction and refining, a toxic legacy from the #ColdWar's weapons program and nuclear power generation. Stephanie Sy reports in partnership with investigative news outlet ProPublica on a community’s fight for survival and to hold a company and government accountable."

#EnvironmentalRacism #NoUraniumMining #UraniumProcessing #NoNukes #NoWar #NoNuclearWar #NuclearWeapons #Genocide #Dine #NukingTheNavajo #RadiationExposure

Inhaltswarnung: Transphobia | History is about to repeat and I fear some of our most vulnerable will be under attack By Rodney Croome

Remember how #Skynet and #Terminators were just fine with a #nuclear devastated world? Hmmm... #BigTech is going all in on #NuclearPower as sustainability concerns around #AI grow

Yahoo Finance
Daniel Howley
October 23, 2024

"#ArtificialIntelligence has driven shares of tech companies like #Microsoft (#MSFT), #Amazon (#AMZN), #Nvidia (N#VDA), and #Google (GOOG, GOOGL) to new highs this year. But the technology, which companies promise will revolutionize our lives, is driving something else just as high as stock prices: #EnergyConsumption [and #WaterConsumption].

"#AI #DataCenters use huge amounts of power and could increase energy demand by as much as 20% over the next decade, according to a Department of Energy spokesperson. Pair that with the continued growth of the broader cloud computing market, and you’ve got an energy squeeze.

"But Big Tech has also set ambitious sustainability goals focused on the use of low-carbon and zero-carbon sources to reduce its impact on climate change. While renewable energy like solar and wind are certainly part of that equation, tech companies need uninterruptible power sources. And for that, they’re leaning into #NuclearPower.

"Tech giants aren’t just planning to hook into existing plants, either. They’re working with energy companies to bring mothballed facilities like Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island back online and looking to build small modular reactors (#SMRs) that take up less space than traditional plants and, the hope is, are cheaper to construct.

"But there are still plenty of questions as to whether these investments in nuclear energy will ever pan out, not to mention how long it will take to build any new reactors."

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#AI #NoNukesForAI #Cryptocurrency #WaterIsLife #NoNukes #RethinkNotRestart #ThreeMileIsland #TheTerminator #JudgmentDay #NuclearPowerNoThanks

#art #history: i have so much to say about this 'somewhat combative pacifist & cooperative anarchist', grace paley, but i'm already running late (as she was born on 11 december 1922). her literary voice is unlike anything you've ever read. it'll take your breath away. suggested starter: 'enormous changes at the last minute'. dedicated to peace activism, the FBI kept a file on her...so you know she was doing good work. #gracePaley #literature #portraiture #noNukes #peace #feminism #anarchist
digital ink drawing of the inimitable author & activist, grace paley.
the sun casts alluring light over her face as grace turns towards you, fixing her eyes to yours.
her hair is neck is wrapped in a winter scarf & the wind tousles her hair.
colours are pale peach & deep chestnut.

Inhaltswarnung: The Woolies worker strike is over — but their right to act is still practically illegal The Woolworths strike is yet another example of the staggering disparity between employer and employee under Australian industrial relations law.

Inhaltswarnung: Nurses try tasering elderly patients to secure pay rise

Inhaltswarnung: Australian Media Forgets To Follow Up On That Bombshell Story That Conveniently Broke On US Election Day About Coalition Senator McKenzie Also Asking For A Fuckload Of Free Flight Upgrades From QANTAS

Inhaltswarnung: Liberals Expecting Big Swings In Northern Rivers And Blue Mountains After Vowing To Protect Misinformation

Inhaltswarnung: Rinehart Orders Dutton To Get An Orange Spray Tan ASAP

Inhaltswarnung: Gina Defends Dutton Calling Him The Best Politician That Money Can Buy