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At the end of Natasha Walker's piece in the Observer today was this more general Feminist call, that stands alone.

Sometimes it feels like feminism & women (more generally) are under constant assault, but as Walter suggests, collective action by women has triumphed in the past & can again!

#Feminism #politics

Every day, a woman needs an abortion, needs a refuge, needs a lawyer, needs food, needs shelter, and, every day, women are stepping up for one another, feeding, caring, building, healing, planting.

This very material sense of a common struggle, based on shared experiences of marginalisation and disempowerment, has not disappeared. On the contrary, as the populist right rises, it becomes more entrenched where it matters, not so much on platforms and podiums as on the frontline of survival.

So as I listen to these women, as their stories flow towards and through me, I recognise that there at the roots a deep solidarity keeps growing in the dark, and I have faith that one day I’ll see it flowering again.
Well, sometimes it 'feels' like some headway has been made, which is why I put 'feels' in the post, but I accept that could be read (although it was not intended) to downplay the problem - apologies.
Again, apologies.... it was an unfortunate miss-expression.... I'm suitably chastised I won't do it again (promise).
p.s. I should say, I can now hear my late Mother's voice joining you, so I really do apologise!