Beiträge, die mit pokemon getaggt sind
Pokémon-Legenden Z-A: Nintendo enthüllt neue Details zum Spiel
Nintendo zeigt in einem Trailer viele neue Ausschnitte aus Pokémon-Legenden: Z-A, dem nächsten Teil der beliebten Reihe. In diesem erkunden Spieler die Metropole Illumina City, in der es vor allem nachts heiß hergeht.Thomas Zick (
Have YOU 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼 ever wanted to escape reality by living in a GINORMOUS rustic mountainside inn inhabited by literal #Pokémon????? Well NOW you CAN!!!!!!!!!!
#art #digitalart #krita #blog #rss #indieweb
Pokémon: Honda zeigt das wohl ungewöhnlichste Motorrad der Welt
Ein 2,5 Meter langes, knallrotes Motorrad, das ohne Stütze stehen kann und dem Pokémon Koraidon nachempfunden ist - Honda verbindet Gaming mit Ingenieurskunst. 40 junge Ingenieure arbeiten an dem Projekt, das einen überraschenden Zweck verfolgt.Witold Pryjda (
Pokémon-Legenden Z-A: Nintendo zeigt erste Eindrücke aus dem Spiel
Nintendo und The Pokémon Company haben neue Details zu Pokémon-Legenden: Z-A geteilt, bei dem es sich um den nächsten Hauptteil der beliebten Spielereihe handelt.Thomas Zick (
In a blog post published last week, first spotted by Garbage Day, Niantic says it is building a “Large Geospatial Model.” This name, the company explains, is a direct reference to Large Language Models (LLMs) Like OpenAI’s GPT, which are trained on vast quantities of text scraped from the internet in order to process and produce natural language. Niantic explains that a Large Geospatial Model, or LGM, aims to do the same for the physical world, a technology it says “will enable computers not only to perceive and understand physical spaces, but also to interact with them in new ways, forming a critical component of AR glasses and fields beyond, including robotics, content creation and autonomous systems. As we move from phones to wearable technology linked to the real world, spatial intelligence will become the world’s future operating system.”"
#Niantic #Pokemon #AR #AugmentedReality #AI #LGM
Pokémon Go Players Have Unwittingly Trained AI to Navigate the World
Niantic says it is using data generated by Pokémon Go players to create a “Large Geospatial Model” that can navigate the real world and power robots.Emanuel Maiberg (404 Media)
Hi! I am a girl-shaped creature from #scotland. #trans, neurospicy, always tired. I'm not a fan of social media but people keep telling me I should give fedi a go.
Planetary data scientist by training, but right now I pay the bills with #webdev. One of those weirdos who actually likes #css. I use #ArchLinux btw.
I play #netrunner, #fabtcg, #pokémon, #ffxiv and all kinds of #ttrpg. Feel free to reach out!