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Beiträge, die mit Gold getaggt sind

Marktbericht: Zinssorgen und hohe Ölpreise halten DAX in Schach

Der DAX ist schwach in die neue Börsenwoche gestartet. Anhaltende Inflationsängste und Zinssorgen, aber auch die deutlich gestiegenen Ölpreise dämpfen die Risikobereitschaft der Anleger.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/finanzen/marktberichte/marktbericht-boerse-dax-oelpreis-russland-sanktionen-trump-apple-inflation-aktien-gold-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Marktbericht #Börse #DAX #Trump #Sanktionen #Russland #Ölpreis #Gold #Apple #Aktien

Marktbericht: Kaum Bewegung im DAX, Ölpreise springen hoch

Angesichts der Unsicherheit über den künftigen geldpolitischen Kurs der US-Notenbank scheuen die DAX-Anleger das Risiko. Unterdessen ziehen die Ölpreise wegen der jüngsten US-Sanktionen gegen Russland weiter an.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/finanzen/marktberichte/marktbericht-boerse-dax-oelpreis-russland-sanktionen-trump-apple-inflation-aktien-gold-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Marktbericht #Börse #DAX #Trump #Sanktionen #Russland #Ölpreis #Gold #Apple #Aktien

#Ghana hollows out #forests and green protections to advance #mining interests

Malavika Vyawahare
28 Aug 2024
via @mongabay

Key points:

- The Ghanaian government has significantly ramped up the approval of mining permits under legislation passed in late 2022, intensifying concerns about runaway environmental damage.

- The country is already the top #gold producer in #Africa, but much of the mining is done in #forest reserves and other #biodiverse #ecosystems.

- The government has long cracked down on artisanal illegal #GoldMiners, but activists say the real damage is being wrought by #industrial operations, both legal and illegal.

- A debt default in 2022 has seen #Ghana lean even more heavily on its gold to mitigate the crisis, prompting warnings that such a policy is neither #economically nor #environmentally #sustainable.

Read more: https://news.mongabay.com/2024/08/ghana-hollows-out-forests-and-green-protections-to-advance-mining-interests/

#ApampramaReserve #HeritageImperial #WaterIsLife #SaveTheForests #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism #C&GAleska #GoldMining #GSBA #LithiumMining #BodiForestReserve #IMFLoans #WorldBank #IMFLoanSharks

There is no #diamond mines in #Israel, but Israel largest export is diamond. Israel exploit #Congo and steals it’s #diamonds via an #Israeli billionaire known as Dan #Gertler.

#France has no gold mines, but billions in #gold reserves. France’s gold #reserves are managed by the Banque de France, which holds approximately 2,436 tons of gold, making it the fourth-largest holder of gold reserves globally.

The country exploited gold resources in its colonies, #Niger, #Mali, #BurkinaFaso.