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Beiträge, die mit KeirStarmer getaggt sind

Keir Starmer, a former human rights lawyer, seeks to introduce a law that would make it a criminal offence to wear face coverings at a protest. With this law it is stepping out of line with democratic states, and closer in line with Russia.

"Without changes, this bill risks transforming protests into surveillance opportunities."

#UK #Surveillance #KeirStarmer #Protest


With the effective annexation of #southernSyria, the pattern of #Israel's territorial expansion is similar to #AdolfHitler's expansion of #NaziGermany, only this time the Western powers are all playing the #BenitoMussolini role.

#Syria #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #alJalani #KeirStarmer #Netanyahu


I mean, fuck #AI and everything, but if you're going to make your country "a world leader in AI" it just seems a bit weird to skip the summit of world leaders about AI, especially when it's happening next door.

#UKpol #KeirStarmer

Starmer doing ‘very good job,’ Trump says after Musk’s attack on UK leader – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/687218/ #Americas #BritishPolitics #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk #GreatBritain #KeirStarmer #Media #trade #TransatlanticRelations #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates
Starmer doing ‘very good job,’ Trump says after Musk’s attack on UK leader – POLITICO

Attentat in Southport: Starmer räumt Versäumnisse ein

Hätte der Messerangriff in Southport, bei dem drei Mädchen starben, verhindert werden können? Der geständige Angeklagte war mehrfach von den Behörden überprüft worden. Premier Starmer kündigte eine Untersuchung an. Von Gabi Biesinger.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/southport-attentat-untersuchung-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Southport #Attentat #Untersuchung #Behörde #KeirStarmer

✊🏽actu militante✊ Le poids des mots…: Le député britannique Keir Starmer a manqué une nouvelle occasion de se taire, en montrant sa pratique du deux poids deux mesures. Il a publié mercredi une déclaration saluant l'accord de cessez-le-feu de Gaza,… #KeirStarmer #Gaza #Palestine #Israël #Conflit

Le poids des mots…

This only gets worse, as the poor get poorer, resources scarcer,people more desperate,the more they will crack down & prevent any form of peaceful protest - who’d have thought in the UK in the 21st century you’d have to have a protest in support of protesting- I stress non violent for the Farage-ists out there 

#brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #nhs #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #standuptoracism

“If Starmer continues to leave the relevant lessons unlearned, he will join Kamala Harris and the forlorn social democrats of mainland Europe, wondering why plummeting numbers of voters seem to like him, and living out the most grim narrative of all: that without an animating purpose, parties and politicians always flounder on to inevitable defeat.”


#KeirStarmer #Labour #UKPolitics

The level of criminality being carried out daily by the state of #Israel is unprecedented - it is worse than the worst regimes including Assad's #Syria.

It is utterly shameful that the UK lets this pass, #KeirStarmer the whole cabinet and all UK MPs should be ashamed, and the consequences for those they protect can only be worsened. Like not holding your best friend back from violence - because you fear he'll turn on you.

#Gaza #genocide #Netanyahu #WarCrimes

Germany and France agree to work with Syrian rebels on ‘basis of fundamental human rights’ – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/547966/ #Asylum #Austria #BasharAlAssad #EmmanuelMacron #France #Germany #HumanRights #KeirStarmer #MiddleEast #OlafScholz #Rights #Syria #UnitedKingdom #UnitedStates #War
Germany and France agree to work with Syrian rebels on ‘basis of fundamental human rights’ – POLITICO

https://www.europesays.com/1659982/ British, Greek premiers discuss bilateral ties, illegal immigration, global conflicts #AnadoluAjansı #Conflicts #Gaza #greece #Israel #KeirStarmer #KyriakosMitsotaki #Palestine #Russia #UK #Ukraine
British, Greek premiers discuss bilateral ties, illegal immigration, global conflicts

https://www.europesays.com/1631578/ BORIS JOHNSON: All Starmer’s pledges to stand with Israel were hypocrisy and guff. Instead I believe he’s effectively saying: I stand with Hamas #BorisJohnson #Conflicts #dailymail #debate #Hamas #Israel #IsraelHamas #KeirStarmer
Fire rages inside buildings hit by an Israeli airstrikein Beirut's southern suburbs

The #ICC’s decision to issue arrest warrants against #Netanyahu and Gallant may not affect the US directly (they are not signatories to the Rome statute), but it will certainly put pressure on Europe and countries like #Germany and the #UK who at best have shown great duplicity if not complicity with #Israel’s genocidal actions in #Gaza. Can’t wait to see what contortions an ex #humanrights lawyer like #keirstarmer will get into. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/british-mps-urge-government-to-endorse-icc-arrest-warrant-for-netanyahu-gallant/3400269

"Former South African politician and arms expert #AndrewFeinstein has warned that the “very real possibility” of a ban on #Palestine Action would be a “fundamental attack on British democracy”. Palestine Action has frequently been protesting against Israeli weapons manufacturer #Elbit Systems in the #UK.
Feinstein adds that under British Prime Minister #KeirStarmer, the UK government could use anti-#terrorism laws to crack down on pro-Palestine and #climatechange activists."
("Founded in April 2014, #MiddleEastEye is an independently funded digital news organisation covering stories from the #MiddleEast and #NorthAfrica, as well as related content from beyond the region.
Its unique coverage offers on-the-ground news, comment and analysis that brings local viewpoints to the fore. Reporters are encouraged to read between the lines and take stories one step further rather than simply follow the official narrative.")

Comme Sunak, , #KeirStarmer (pour lequel les médias british ont écarté Corbyn sur des Kompromats et ds campagnde presse de propagandes) , refuse de reconnaître le génocide d'Israël sur les palestiniens #Gaza #ICJ

Quelles information Israël détient-il sur Keir Starmer pour qu'il campe dans ce #négationnisme ?

ICYMI: Kim Darroch (former Ambassador to the US) makes the simple but powerful diplomatic point, that looking at Trump's record in office, he respects strong leaders not those that seek to accommodate him....

Darroch's lesson for Keir Starmer is stick to positions on international & trade affairs, don't seek to accommodate Tump's demands... as all he will then do is demand more.

Simple advice but right on the button.

#Trump #diplomacy #KeirStarmer


“Keir Starmer’s sycophantic words of congratulation to Donald Trump are among the most dispiriting things I have read this morning. “Shoulder to shoulder in defence of our shared values of freedom, democracy and enterprise”? This is either serious delusion or utter hypocrisy. He should be ashamed”

#trump #donaldtrump #keirstarmer #starmer #labourparty #labour #uk #ukpol #ukpolitics #uspol #USPolitics #usa #electionday #election2024


Patrick Blower @blowercartoons on #NetZero #ClimateEmergency #EdMiliband #KeirStarmer @Telegraph – political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com