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Beiträge, die mit NetZero getaggt sind

Patrick Blower @blowercartoons on #NetZero #ClimateEmergency #EdMiliband #KeirStarmer @Telegraph – political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon.com

Ten of Australia’s 🇦🇺 top companies lack clear plans to stop using or supporting #FossilFuels https://buff.ly/3I7lUNk #NetZero #EnergyTransition

The #ClimateCrisis is here, we're doing too little about it & the extreme heat being experienced around the world may have become normal in a decade....

We can only do two thins & we need to do them both:

we need to accelerate moves to #netzero!

we need to develop strategies for helping those most effected (either to adapt their homes/locations) or move to areas/locations where they can thrive.

Everything else is just sound & light!

#GreenTransition now!
Chart: Septenmbe 2023 was the warmest on record. Global average surface temperature anomalies relative to 1991-2020, each September.

shows pretty steady trend move from -0.75 in 1940s to + 0.93 degrees this year

Watering down the UK’s #NetZero strategy may backfire for Rishi #Sunak - https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/23/watering-down-the-uks-net-zero-strategy-may-backfire-for-rishi-sunak "Many Conservative MPs in the “blue wall” will worry that the prime minister’s rightward move on climate change has handed their opponents a potent new weapon."

Science shows #ClimateChange 🌡️ is causing adverse impact on humans and these will get worse.

Droughts 🥵, Floods 🌊, Storms 🌪️ heatwaves ♨️ and wildfires 🔥 are all getting more intense and more frequent

Time to go #NetZero as soon as possible.

#deforestation #RenewableEnergy #environment #EndFossilCrimes #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #gasemissions #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #wildlife #ClimateAction #photo #photography #GlobalWarming #pollution #news #earth #cycling
Graphic: adverse impactar from human-caused climate chance Will continue to intensify.