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Beiträge, die mit UKpol getaggt sind

You know who this evasion and gaslighting reminds me off?
Boris Fucking Johnson.

As for the 'Coalition of the Willing', only one in five voted for Starmer to be our PM, his poll ratings have never been in the plus since he took office and he's supposed to be getting 30 other countries to sign up to a military alliance is he?

#Starmer #Ukraine #Russia #UKPOL #UKpolitics #CoalitonOfTheWilling
2hago 14.22 GMT

Starmer ducks question about whether plan based on hoping
Russia might agree to ceasefire is doomed to fail

Q: [From the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen] Isn’t it time to admit that Russia has no
interest in a ceasefire, and that a different approach is needed?

Starmer says he does not accept that.

He says he thinks President Trump is serious about wanting peace. And the
Ukrainians want peace too, he says.

Q: But what makes you think Putin will give up his long-held views on Ukraine?
Starmer says this is a process. A lasting peace is the right goal, he says. It is
what Trump wants, and what the Europeans want.

If they can provide leadership, backed up by operational plans, that is the
best chance for peace.

Bowen tried twice to get Starmer to addresss his point about Russia, but both
times Starmer refused to engage with Bowen’s point.
2hago 1415 GMT

Q: You have been talking about this for almost a month. But only the UK and
France have committed to putting troops on the ground. Why aren’t you
making more progress?

Starmer insists they are making progress. He says 200 planners attending the
planning meeting in London last week.

44 There was a feeling around the table [at the meeting today] that Europe,
taking Europe as a whole, has not been this strong and united for a very long

He says Russia is delaying. That is tactic they had tried before.

Q: When will there be progress?

Starmer says he does not want to put a deadline on things, but “we need to
see this developing in days and weeks, not months and months”.
2hago 14.11 GMT

Starmer says support in Europe for cooperation to help Ukraine
is ‘stronger and broader than ever’

Starmer is now taking questions.

Q: The US describe Europeans as pathetically freeloaders. How can you trust
them? And will you commit to putting troops on the ground?

Starmer says there were 30 countries at the meeting today, as well as Nato
and the EU.

AA There was a broad consensus that this group of nations is now stronger and
broader than it’s ever been.

In terms of military planning, that is going alongside the political process, he

He says he has always been clear that a European-led initiative would need
US support.

#Europe moves without the US.
"Sir Keir Starmer has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of making "hollow promises" on a ceasefire in Ukraine."

SOAS panel | Mobilizing Law in Defence of #Palestine: The #ICC Arrest Warrants, the #ArmsTradeTreaty & the UK's Obligation to Prevent #Genocide

⦁ Daniel Machover, Partner, Hickman & Rose Solicitors
⦁ Dr Irene Pietropaoli, British Institute for International & Comparative Law
⦁ Dr Shahd Hammouri, School of Law, Univ. of Kent

Comment & discussion by Dr Nimer Sultany, School of Law, SOAS


#Gaza #oPt #InternationalCriminalCourt #InternationalJustice #UKpol @palestine

English councils deprived of funding are reduced to selling off the families poorer chattels (the Tories did away with the silver many years ago). It will just make England poorer (and a small number richer)


#Housing #England #UkPol #LabourPolicy

So, Labour voters in Scotland, are you regretting the shiny baubles that were promised and then vanished with the rising sun? Fed children are not just a moral obligation but a practical one as well. They can learn.

Meantime ‘Erasmus’ the pisspoor replacement for the EU exchange program looks to be scrapped as well.


http://archive.today/2025.03.24-115705/https://www.thenational.scot/news/25030965.education-secretary-suggests-cutting-free-school-meals/ (archive)

#Ukpol #Labour #WhatFuture #Education
Photo. ENGLISH education secretary Bridget Phillipson, caption ‘has also offered to axe funding for free period products in schools as well as dance, music and PE schemes’

Neville Chamberlain here, selling out the country to protect the country, another bad strategy from a man who keeps fucking up.
He is not an agile thinker, he doesn't like change or rocking the boat.
He is not the person we need leading the country today, he's a coward.


#Starmer #Appeasement #UKPOL #UKpolitics #TechBros #SiliconValley

I have just come from a #Council meeting not directly associated with my #Politics but facing similar #community #communication #Issues. On the '#Liberal #Left #Socialist ' wing we are fragmented, Many #narcisstic #Officers . I always argued for one #media #office to speak for all. 'We' had the £'s pre #StopBrexit & after to fund an office & the talent to staff it. Now? No one single voice speaking #Truth to #Power @NRM @PeterCorr
#RejoinEU #europeanunion #EuropeanMovement #ukpol #UK_politics

I have just come from a #Council meeting not directly associated with my #Politics but facing similar #community #communication #Issues. On the '#Liberal #Left #Socialist ' wing we are fragmented, Many #narcisstic #Officers . I always argued for one #media #office to speak for all. 'We' had the £'s pre #StopBrexit & after to fund an office & the talent to staff it. Now? No one single voice speaking #Truth to #Power @NRM @PeterCorr
#RejoinEU #europeanunion #EuropeanMovement #ukpol #UK_politics

I have just come from a #Council meeting not directly associated with my #Politics but facing similar #community #communication #Issues. On the '#Liberal #Left #Socialist ' wing we are fragmented, Many #narcisstic #Officers . I always argued for one #media #office to speak for all. 'We' had the £'s pre #StopBrexit & after to fund an office & the talent to staff it. Now? No one single voice speaking #Truth to #Power @NRM @PeterCorr
#RejoinEU #europeanunion #EuropeanMovement #ukpol #UK_politics

I have just come from a #Council meeting not directly associated with my #Politics but facing similar #community #communication #Issues. On the '#Liberal #Left #Socialist ' wing we are fragmented, Many #narcisstic #Officers . I always argued for one #media #office to speak for all. 'We' had the £'s pre #StopBrexit & after to fund an office & the talent to staff it. Now? No one single voice speaking #Truth to #Power @NRM @PeterCorr
#RejoinEU #europeanunion #EuropeanMovement #ukpol #UK_politics

I was taken by a comment on an article (excellent) by Stuart Lee. It reflects on exactly what Trump and his MAGA diehards are doing in the USA and reflects change in the UK as well - especially the new ‘trustee’ ha ha at the British Museum.


Rewrite history to make your next putsch all the easier.

The Taliban are winning.

#Media #RewritingHistory #UkPol #USPol
Screenshot of comment in the Gruaniad, reads 
‘When Islamic stare marched across Syria they destroyed as much of the shared history if the
Syrian people as they could. They blew Palmyra, a city thousands and thousands of years old
reduced to rubble because from that point on history would begun again and it would be their
When the Taliban at the height of their charnal house government moved from killing their own
to destroying the culture of Afghanistan millenniums in the making they did so start history
again. To create a new nation but under their brutal foot. Buddhist statues built by Greek
soldiers on the silk road. Symbols not just of Afghanistan's history but our global history
destroyed so history could start again.
One of the first thing tyrant secured is culture. They set the terms of what isn't and is
acceptable expression. What is it what isn't German or Catholic or Peasant or American. They
killed the comics and the satirists. Their jokes become brutal and violent. They punch down
again and again and again. And their music becomes dark, brutal and geared for war.
Even love becomes regulated and controlled. Reproduction is now a duty because the birth rate
is falling, because immigrants are swamping us and with it the culture you already suppressed.
Deviance, straying from the path is now treason. Your love becomes a tool to be used to hurt
those you love.
That's what tyrants do…’

Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP and Branchform

A measured assessment (but that will not satisfy the haters and given the comments it has not)

http://archive.today/2025.03.22-191808/https://www.thetimes.com/uk/scotland/article/operation-branchform-nicola-sturgeon-murray-foote-b992xgtn2 (archive)

Unionists are desperate to cripple any taslkj of indep3ndence and will do what it takes.

#Sturgeon #Beattie #SNP #Branchform #PoliticalPolicing #Ukpol
The infamnous Blue Tents - erected, not to hide anything but allow the unionist media to claim she was
Photo. Nicola Strurgeon, talking to the press after she had been exonerated

Businesses back SNP for growth

Colour me amazed. The Times reports something vaguely positive about the Scottish government. Although I suspect this was simply necessary to critique #Starmer, #Sarwar and #Labour.

Having said that, businesses that favour ‘Reform’ as a party for growth are either deluded or taking the piss. So the survey is probably useless.

Meantime this has driven the haters mad in the comments.


#Scotland #Business #NotLabour #SNP #ScotPol #Ukpol
Screen capture from article, reads
‘The survey also revealed a stark difference in perception between the Scottish and UK governments. Nearly half (48 per cent) of respondents believe the Scottish government is concerned with the needs of businesses in Scotland, compared with just 33 per cent who feel the same about the UK government.
Scott Edgar, the senior research manager at The Diffley Partnership, said: “These results show that the SNP is seen as the party best placed to support business growth and investment in Scotland, albeit by a small margin. The drop in support for Scottish Labour suggests business has grown more cautious about their approach over the last 12 months.”’

The moral vacuum that is the Labour Party today.

Speaking of the SNP, now that Sturgeons political career has been destroyed, I see the charges have been dropped.
Funny that.
Mad how half of Scotland just accepts being a Colonial fuckbucket for posh fuckos down South.....


#UKPOL #UKPolitics #ScotPol #Sturgeon #Labour #Colonialism #Gaza #Israel #SNP
SNP MP furious as David Lammy fails to condemn Israel

#Brexit but not for Defense Complex? How cheeky.
"#EU shuts #Britain out of €150bn rearmament fund
UK is calling for defence companies to be classified as European for project but faces opposition from #france."

Inhaltswarnung: Ukpol, disabled deaths, mild dv ref

Trying to imagine what it must be like to be a Labour MP - 14 years out of power and within less than a year of being back you've:

- shat all over disabled people and people with mental health issues that they can't get any help or support for
- shat all over pensioners
- shat all over civil servants and the NHS
- used the violent rhetoric of far-right extremists against asylum seekers and other minorities

Thankfully I didn't have to vote for this complete fucking shite.

#UKPol #UKPolitics

I know I post a lot of photos of clouds but honestly, I think we should all spend more time looking to the skies. They speak a rare and valuable truth to us all.
*nods wisely*

#taxTheRich #UKPolitics #UKPol

Inhaltswarnung: UK politics, benefit cuts

Starmer: We can't tax the rich, that would hurt the economy

Also Starmer: The British people have spoken* and Brexit is final no matter how much damage that's done and continues to do to the economy

* What the British people said was, a third wanted to Leave, a third wanted to Remain, and a third didn't know or didn't care. Also, the year after, the British people said we wanted a Blue Tory government so you should resign, Keir. What's that? Changing views? Also, in the last election, 80% of the electorate didn't vote for you so the British people speaking doesn't seem to be high on your actual list of policy drivers mate


Morning all.

Musing: the lies from Labour about helping people into work.

If you want disabled people to work, and I don't know why you would other than some twisted belief that human lives are meaningful only in terms of our economic output, but if you do then you could do it this way:

* Identify areas in which deploying large numbers of people with varying skills and ability levels could improve society for all, and if you must do it this way, improve national economics capability

* Offer flexible and realistic positions to make progress in those areas, to disabled people, without threat and at market rates

* Pay for this using the power of a fiat currency with a national central bank

Maybe this would work instead of forcing people to compete in an ableist job market deliberately designed to have large numbers of unemployed in order to suppress wages.

But you don't want it to work. You just want to look good to the gammon and the City and the cost will be the livws of disabled folk.


Saddling small sites with the same duties as huge platforms means many will shut down in a hammer blow to net plurality.

We'll be left with the Sophie’s choice of monopoly services; the incubators of online harms.

URGENT: The UK government must change the Online Safety Act to protect safe, non-commercial blogs, forums and fediverse.

Write to your MP to #SaveOurSites 🌐


#onlinesafetyact #onlinesafety #fediverse #ukpolitics #ukpol #activitypub #mastodon #netplurality

“There is significant public interest in knowing when and on what basis the UK government believes that it can compel a private company to undermine the privacy and security of its customers.”

ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship call for the Tribunal into the UK government's secret order for Apple to break encryption to be held in public.

The case happens TOMORROW.



#encryption #e2ee #privacy #security #ukpolitics #ukpol #cybersecurity #apple

White folk in Britain should watch Steve McQueen's 'Small Axe' series and educate ourselves on how racist our State was/is.

A different sort of Racism from what we see in America, but institutionalised racism all the same.


#Whiteness #BlackMastodon #UKPOL #UKpolitics #Colonialism #SmallAxe #SteveMcQueen

#UK government just decided to remove all the #sanctions against #Syria ruled by a group far worse than the #Taliban!

#AlQaeda #Politics #UKPol
HTS forces mass execute syrian minorities and post videos on social media

#UK government just decided to remove all the #sanctions against #Syria ruled by a group far worse than the #Taliban!

#AlQaeda #Politics #UKPol
HTS forces in Syria mass execute Syrian minorities and post videos on social media.

Slava #Ukraine
"About 20 countries are interested in joining a "coalition of the willing" to help Ukraine, according to UK officials."