Beiträge, die mit Recycling getaggt sind
die #Ard bis #Zdf 🍰Akteure
i.N.d. #Gerechtigkeit ergeht folgendes Urteil :
der Heidelerchen #Unterhaltung Clan
muß mal 24Std. am Stück 📺 glotzen!
feat. Wirt-aNamnese-C forte
Kölsch #Quote + Thai🧠X Massage
#pop #show #recycling #humor #kultur #quiz #krimi #kapitalismus #gewalt #fernsehen #konsum #gesellschaft #redaktion #netzwerk #deutschland #medien #macht #profit #transparenz
Nylon ist ein verbreiteter Kunststoff, der aber schwer zu recyceln ist. Ein genverändertes Bakterium soll das schaffen.
#Recycling #news
Unser #Dokutipp für heute - jetzt in der Mediathek oder 20.15 Uhr im TV/Livestream:
#Recycling #Rohstoffe #Energiewende #ORF
Das Recycling-Versprechen - Wege aus der Rohstoffkrise
Eine funktionierende Wirtschaft braucht ausreichend Rohstoffversorgung. Doch die EU ist gänzlich auf Importe, etwa aus China, angewiesen. Recycling soll diese Abhängigkeit reduzieren.3sat
Noch ist Deutschland Vorreiter beim Textil-Recycling. Doch der Markt ist im Abschwung. Soziale Organisationen und professionelle Verwerter ziehen sich aus dem Altkleider-Geschäft zurück. Von Jörn Kersten.
#AltkleiderEntsorgung #Gebrauchtes #Recycling #Kostenanstieg
What You Need to Know About #OffGassing
Even after an install, a project’s furnishings and finishes can leach harmful chemicals into the air for years through a process called off-gassing. Here’s how you can combat it.
by Audrey Gray
"'Okay, I want to tell you about some things,' she recalls telling her client, going on to carefully explain the dangers inherent in both flooring choices—primarily the health impacts of chemical inhalants. Not only would these #chemicals flood a home during the installation of new #carpet or #vinyl planks, but they would continue to gradually leach into the air for years to come—a more subtle (but dangerous) process referred to as off-gassing. Thompson didn’t want her client’s family exposed to a vapor stew of chemicals every day, least of all in the yoga space, where the whole point was to breathe deeply while near the floor.
"She offered her client some carefully sourced options such as an all-wool carpet with a natural #rubber pad, and advocated for solid, #sustainably sourced wood downstairs instead of a composite of plastics. 'I thought she’d be excited,' Thompson says. 'But because of her beliefs about animal rights, I learned that wool wasn’t acceptable to her…and there were price point issues too. I thought, ‘Wow, this is a whole new level I hadn’t encountered.’”
"Welcome to what materials experts call 'one of the most complicated issues in health and wellness,' the murky and unregulated (at least in the U.S.—Europe is much stricter) relationships humans have with thousands of airborne #toxins emanating from our building materials, #furnishings, #CleaningProducts, #CarInteriors, #iPads, and even #candles.
"'Nobody’s telling you what is coming from all those vapors mixing in the air,' says Jillian Pritchard Cooke, the founder of Wellness Within Your Walls, an education consultancy focused on dramatically reducing the dangers of off-gassing in the built environment. 'It’s up to us to understand the individual effects each chemical can have on your #NervousSystem, your #lungs, and your cellular makeup. We need to be doing right by our clients.'
"Designers have, of course, been aware of the dangers of volatile organic compounds (#VOCs) for a long time, and have helped influence some wins in the marketplace, like the rising popularity of low- or no-VOC paints and the 2015 ban Home Depot and Lowe’s instituted in 2015 on toxic #phthalates (a class of industrial chemicals that help make plastic bendy) in flooring.
"But the problem endures, and unfortunately, many of the worst effects of VOCs—showing up in health conditions—accumulate over long periods of time.
"One of the best arguments for incorporating #vintage pieces in design, apart from saving space in landfills and decreasing carbon emissions, is that they are far safer from an off-gassing perspective. #Recycling building materials (for instance, saving the doors during a retrofit) helps too."
#Recycle #Repair #Reuse
#ThrowawayCulture #Synthetics #Plastics #Pollution #Underconsumption
An der ETH Zürich wurde ein Belag aus Abfallstoffen entwickelt, der Feuchtigkeit speichert, gutes Raumklima schafft und sich über 3D-Druck produzieren lässt.
#DDrucker #Klimaschutz #Recycling #news
Christiane Pfohlmann – Politische Karikaturen
Fast täglich stellt sich Karikaturistin Christiane Pfohlmann tapfer der globalen Nachrichtenflut entgegen... um sie innerhalb weniger Stunden zu kleinen, rechteckigen Bildern zu
Der NXP EdgeLock A30 ist kleiner als ein Reiskorn und schützt digitale Informationen gegen Manipulation, etwa den künftig in der EU nötigen Produktpass.
#EU #Mikrocontroller #NXP #Recycling #Umweltschutz #news
Schweizer Forscher haben eine lebende Batterie entwickelt, die etwa einen Sensor in der Umwelt betreiben kann. Nach Gebrauch ist sie biologisch abbaubar.
#Recycling #Stromversorgung #Wissenschaft #news
There are plans in motion one of these up the road near Wisbech... generally very loudly opposed locally, and I think by all the local councils too, but forced through by Tories:
Wonder if it'll ever go ahead. (I believe ground has been "broken" in terms of some site preparation.)
#waste #recycling #incinerator
Wisbech incinerator: What happens next with £300m waste plan?
How did plans for the plant end up at the centre of a Westminster conflict-of-interest row?Zoe Applegate & Laurence Cawley (BBC News)
In plastics case it has been the viability of #recycling that has been the subject of deceit by major #corporations.
Given that plastics are related to #fossilfuels, this may come as little surprise given the mendacity & #politics of distraction conducted in the #energy sector.
Its now pretty clear that we've had the knowledge to address our #climatecrisis but its been hidden!