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What #BernieSanders and #aoc are doing speaks volumes about who cares for their country (and people and democracy) and who is _insert words here_. via @pluralistic


🇺🇲 Bernie Sanders (and AOC), who are running for nothing, just had the largest event Sanders ever had, including both his presidential campaigns.

✊ Change is coming.


#USpol #Bernie #Sanders #BernieSanders #AOC

There was an absolute SEA of people, at least 25,000 in the entire civic center area. it's hard to show or even explain the scale short of using a drone to take an aerial photo. Here's one that was shared by a friend who was standing on the third-floor balcony at the Capitol, a block away. People filled the venue and every available open space for two full city blocks in every direction. And the crowd was FIRED UP not just because of the Republicans, but because they are angry that corporatist Democrats aren't defending the country, either.

#Denver #COpolitics #AOC #BernieSanders
a view of Civic Center park looking west from the Capitol in Denver
a large crowd
more wide photos of the crowd

I am on my way to the #BernieSanders #AOC rally in Denver at the capitol. The bus I am on is standing room only and every bus stop along the way is packed with people headed to the rally. This is going to be a massive event. The mood is pretty energetic in here, with a lot of younger and many older people excited to be a part of a historic event.
standing room only bus

This is 3 blocks away, 2 hours after doors opened. That is a looping line going down 3 blocks from the stadium entry, then it loops back on inside of sidewalk. There are 3 entry points surrounding stadium. Each is like this!
#Tempe #Arizona #Rally #Bernie #AOC #Resist
Staggeringly long lines of people trying to get into ASU Mullett Stadium to see Bernie and AOC tonight! We are in my car and spent an hour within a mile of here trying to find any way to get parking. The lines on our right are on a wide sidewalk and loop 3 blocks down from an entrance and double back. Maybe a few hundred people visible in this photo. The area is partially sheltered by canopies over parking.

"Democrats are really going to regret not standing up to Trump, not just because they’ll lose voters, but because they’ll lose a democratic system where having more voters is the way you gain power."

Brian Klaas‬ ‪

#Fascist #Dictator #Despot #VichyDems #VichyDemocrats #Jeffries #Schumer #Durbin #Pelosi #RaiseTheBar #PrimaryThemAll #DemandMore #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething #NoKings #NoDo #AOC #Mudslinging #marker

everyone shouts "cowardice!!! cowardice!!!"

but it takes nerves of steel to stand motionless as a psychopath raises a Samurai sword over his head fully intending to split your skull in two

which has been the Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries policy since 2016.

#Jeffries #Schumer #Durbin #Pelosi #RaiseTheBar #PrimaryThemAll #DemandMore #uspol #USPolitics #journalism #media #socialmedia #MakeThemFight #Hardball #impeach #impeachment #DoSomething #NoKings #NoDo #AOC #Mudslinging

Well worth a read!

“If You Want To Fight The Machine, Don't Move To The Right”

by Caitlin Johnson in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack

“Right wing ‘populism’ has been allowed to flourish by the very power structures its proponents purport to oppose, while the authentic left has been systematically dismantled by generations of aggressive imperial operations”


#Press #US #Empire #FarRight #Trump #Populism #Left #MSM #Murdoch #Sanders #AOC #Centrism

AOC one of the few politicians in the West to acknowledge that the President is a sexual predator.

Remember this when the Regime attacks Trans people over "the safety of Women"

#AOC #Trump
AOG to Skip Trump’s Inauguration: "I Don't Celebrate Rapists"

We need to cast aside some old paradigms which were an anchor around our necks. We have to stop thinking like a very wealthy 84-year-old recovering from a hip-replacement in a marble palace in Luxembourg and start thinking like a 35-year-old waitress from the Bronx who actually fights for the good of our country.

#DeadwoodDems #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Pelosi #AOC

Marc Elias is right. We need a new opposition movement.

For us to succeed as New Opposition Movement we have to be brutally honest with ourselves, and brutally honest with our fellow citizens.

#DeadwoodDems #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Pelosi #AOC

"It’s a shame that definitions of antisemitism are being weaponized as a way to attack legitimate criticism of Israel, because antisemitism is one of the worst ideological scourges our species holds. Given the hideous history of the treatment of Jews in the world, culminating in the unfathomable act of evil that was the Holocaust, we must always be vigilant against anti-Jewish bigotry. The Municipal Action Index is on solid ground when it recommends hosting Jewish cultural events and teaching Jewish history to children, and the IHRA identifies plenty of genuine examples of antisemitism like “making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective.” But it’s clear that a lot of this is about trying to silence those who are rightly critical of Israel for its mass killing of Palestinians, not about antisemitism.

There would be nothing wrong with adopting a “working definition” of antisemitism if it confined itself to clear examples of actual antisemitism. But the IHRA definition is badly in need of revision. It needs to expunge “examples” that are not cases of antisemitism. And until it is revised (“working” implies provisional, after all), nobody should support the use of this definition and should instead stick to the perfectly serviceable definition “bigotry against Jewish people.”"


#USA #Israel #Antisemitism #Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #AOC

AOC hits it out of the park, again. When I hear about some Dems complaining about the party losing because we were too pro-trans, I want to tell them to become republicans and get the fuck out of the party.

Would they say the same thing about any vulnerable minority? Would they say the party was too Black Lives Matter? Too pro-woman? Hell no.

No one's rights are negotiable.



Yeah... Really nice how she speaks to YOUR Identity politics BULLSHIT.

MEANWHILE the hypocritical bitch apparently thinks I'm an antisemitic Jew. Fuck her... and your blue fascist faction too.

"Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted for a resolution on Wednesday which endorses a bogus @israel lobby definition of anti-Semitism.., and sided with the #AntiDefamationLeague,"

#AOC Votes to Back #IsraelLobby’s Bogus ‘#AntiSemitism’ Definition

https://scheerpost.com/2024/11/23/aoc-votes-to-back-israel-lobbys-bogus-anti-semitism-definition/ @palestine

#AOC is exactly right. One of the points of anti-#trans laws is for any self-appointed busybody to demand #women and #girls expose their genitals to some "authority" to "prove" their "biology"

Those who speak out in #hate and #ignorance against #womensrights and #queerrights empower #sexualabuse. It's a power play that only benefits transgressive sadistic bullies and creepy sleaze who desire to humiliate and assault and control

"Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted for a resolution on Wednesday which endorses a bogus @israel lobby definition of anti-Semitism.

In backing the measure, she broke with several other members of the so-called Squad, the dwindling group of progressive #Democrats in #Congress, and sided with the #AntiDefamationLeague,"

#AOC Votes to Back #IsraelLobby’s Bogus ‘#AntiSemitism’ Definition

https://scheerpost.com/2024/11/23/aoc-votes-to-back-israel-lobbys-bogus-anti-semitism-definition/ @palestine

#AOC just voted for the bill which adopts the #IHRA definition of #antisemitism btw.

She was not one of the 21 who opposed it. She voted for it.

The IHRA definition silences all critique of #Israel. This isn’t surprising.

AOC is not your #progressive friend, never was-nothing but careerism

#OcasioCortez Warns #Trump #NYCRally Was Primer for Taking Power 'by Force'

"That's what they're doing when they're inciting violence and hatred against #Latinos, against #BlackAmericans, against Americans who don't have children."

Brett Wilkins
Oct 28, 2024

"U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned Monday that the hate-filled campaign rally held by former Republican President Donald Trump at #MadisonSquareGarden in New York City was meant to further prime supporters for another #January 6 - style attempt to seize power by force if Democratic Vice President #KamalaHarris wins next month's election.

"Sunday's event—which drew comparisons to a #1939NaziRally that packed the iconic Midtown Manhattan arena—featured speakers including billionaire #ElonMusk, conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and comedian #TonyHinchcliffe, who called the U.S. territory of #PuertoRico a 'floating island of garbage.'

"Although the Trump campaign has attempted to distance the GOP presidential candidate from Hinchcliffe's bigoted remarks, Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said during a Monday interview on MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' that Sunday's event was 'not just a presidential rally,' it was 'a hate rally.' "


#HateRally #Fascism #CharacteristicsOfFascism #AOC #AlexandriaOcasioCortez