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A secret?

What if I told you #Democrats wanted no part of the coming #UnitedStates #boomer #depression.
Many long term #investment strategists predict a major depression towards the end of this decade.

What if I told you #Republicans will fail to prevent what is coming and #Democrats wanted no part of the crash? 2025-2027.
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RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

#History has one hell of an echo. It was #tariffs #tariff that played a role in bringing on the great #depression.
@histodons https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot%E2%80%93Hawley_Tariff_Act

RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

@histodons funny how #trump said he doesn't want to be #hoover when was complaining about #biden potentially leaving him a broken economy.