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Hard to find this headline in US legacy media.

"Judge rejects Donald Trump's bid to use presidential immunity to dismiss hush money conviction.. "

Because #republicans elected the first #guilty #rapist #felon as #POTUS and there is nothing they can do to #sabotage that fact.
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RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

Have to go to #EU to find this headline.. #Trump cable networks and #Tabloids just ignore this.
The true tell. #Tabloid
"Judge rejects Trump’s bid to throw out hush money conviction."
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)

RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

So? Any stroppy judge will just get replaced by a non-stroppy one, so this "story" doesn't really matter very much.
LoL @ stroppy.

Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers.

That matters to the law and to history.
Trump will be the first #guilty criminal rapist President.
Guilty 34 felony counts:
"The trial involved charges that Trump falsified business records to cover up a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, the porn actor who said she had sex with the married Trump in 2006."
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RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

Yeah, I know all that. Trump will simply appoint someone who will make it go away. Or, not even bother to do that, and just ignore it.
That's not how state vs federal charges work.

The President is a federal executive and has zero authority in #NY
I think you're assuming that the actual rules will be obeyed.
It's called a trial by jury.

There will be a sentence and consequences for Trump. The fact that none of his business can be considered in NY is only the beginning.
> I think you're assuming that the actual rules will be obeyed

I think you're assuming they won't. Perhaps because you don't see the value in using constitutional norms as a defensive barricade against rampaging power?

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I see the value. But I don't think Trump does.
The only superpower #Trump has is antagonist.

The POTUS is feckless without Congress and the Judiciary.

Trump is a lame duck President on day one. Republicans will rue every day they have to drag him kicking and screaming from the White House in four years.

At 82 years of age and right to jail.

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RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

He owns the supreme court, which has told him he can commit any crimes he likes. Ignoring congress may or may not be included in that.
I'm not going to enguage in this nonsense discussion.

You simply don't understand the charges against Trump all occurred in NY and before Trump was President. In the Judge's decision on Monday, Trump has zero immunity for his payments to a porn star for his illicit affairs.


RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt

Trumpy first convicted felon and first avowed Fascist as an American President. Disgraceful.
American congress had two opportunities to impeach him,and convict him in Senate, and insure he could never run for office again.

Then the Democratic party implodes because they can't have an old white dude with a stutter as POTUS.

The only person to beat Trump.


"#Trump claims #jury misconduct in latest attempt to discredit hush money conviction."
The #judge in the case said the claim "consists entirely of unsworn allegations."
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
I read it in legacy media right after it happened.
Can you provide the link please?
sorry just seeing this.

You need links to the reporting on this from right after the judge ruled? Beyond what you can find on Google?

His wimpy-ass attempt at a power fist always cracks me up, like, "cut me here!"