I don't care that #Biden pardoned his son. Of course he did. Is it wrong? Maybe. Would either side do it?. Yeah, so no one has any room to argue about it.
This is ALWAYS the problem with our system. Neither side has the moral high ground because BOTH sides take donations from special interests and neither side can be trusted to look out for the people.
If Bernie announced he was starting 'The Progress Party' today, the registration numbers would be off the charts. 🇺🇸
#USpol #Progress2028
This is ALWAYS the problem with our system. Neither side has the moral high ground because BOTH sides take donations from special interests and neither side can be trusted to look out for the people.
If Bernie announced he was starting 'The Progress Party' today, the registration numbers would be off the charts. 🇺🇸
#USpol #Progress2028
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RememberUsAlways •
#Democrats can't ignore racist voters. You have to fool them enough to get their votes.
#Biden understood this #truth about the #UnitedStates electorate.
It's THE REASON Biden has won the most elections of any candidates in modern #history.
America (Sam's Version) •
RememberUsAlways •
The only way Democrats win an electoral is in the courts fighting the Gerrymandering in States or by fooling racist white people just enough to win on the margins.
That is the reality of #UnitedStates #Democracy.
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America (Sam's Version) •
America (Sam's Version) •
RememberUsAlways •
Biden chose Harris and the racist white voters weren't having that, 80 days before an election.
#Biden got Jimmy Cartered by his own party.
Right down to the #hostages in #Gaza.
Nearly identical to the Summer of 1979'
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Veada •
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RememberUsAlways •
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America (Sam's Version) •
Also, those 'racist' white voters, elected Obama.. so I'm not sure where her race comes in. She was a bad candidate and Biden naming her as successor was dumb.
America (Sam's Version) •
If you think Biden was gonna win after THAT performance, I got some beach front property in Nebraska I'd like you to buy. 😅
America (Sam's Version) •
Biden could have won, Harris only lost cause racism and the people who didn't vote are the ones to blame. Got it. All sound logic. 😐
America (Sam's Version) •
America (Sam's Version) •
The majority of this country either votes on party lines or they don't vote. Anyone who voted Trump was NEVER in a million years considering Biden a viable candidate. They are polar opposites.
One is a career politician with a spotty record and one is a charlatan who claims to be a populist.
America (Sam's Version) •
Didn't Harris win GA? I know she lost WI (which is WILD). Anyway, the stats don't show Trump picked up Biden voters. Trump got less votes this time than last time. His numbers would have gone up if they were ex-Biden voters that turned the tide.
The numbers show Harris got WAY less votes than Biden did because people stayed home. They weren't convinced.
America (Sam's Version) •
You are only one person.
Do not expect everyone to think like you.
If the majority of people see a problem you don't see, maybe re-evaluate instead of assuming everyone else is wrong. If you find yourself thinking' I just don't understand why so many people feel this way.' Try harder.
RememberUsAlways •
The truth doesn't ignore facts and data.
LeaBug •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
This is why I believe Biden got JimmyCartered.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Lucy B •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
I propose that abandoning the Biden Campaign was the self inflicted wound that depressed turnout on multiple voting blocks.
Now the future of the Democratic party is in the wilderness for many years as it was in 1980.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
America (Sam's Version) •
RememberUsAlways •
Let's imagine Biden won in a surprise landslide and all of the coming disaster could have been averted.
America (Sam's Version) •
RememberUsAlways •