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This week’s article was a tough one - mainly because I’ve been in a horrific and unrelenting flare that’s prohibited me from writing about what I wanted to tackle.

I’ve had to put multiple pieces on the back burner because my brain fog and other symptoms were too severe.

My inner monologue turned very cruel - constantly berating and gaslighting myself for being unable to get the articles done.

It’s hardly a surprise - because we aren’t taught to rest. We’re taught to push. To hide our pain. To say we’re “fine” and smile no matter how much we’re suffering.

We’re taught that worth is tied to economic contribution. That we’re cogs in the wheel of capitalism and that if we aren’t contributing we have no value.

As a result we play through the pain. We ignore what our bodies need because we don’t know how to truly rest.

We are overwhelmed with the “coulda woulda shouldas”… three of the most damaging words to someone living with chronic illness.

When you’re disabled - you can’t push as hard as other people can. You need to learn radical rest.

My own war with the ‘coulda, woulda, shouldas’ looks a lot like this:

😞 You coulda had a better day today if you had just been smarter yesterday

😞 You woulda been more productive if you had just done this differently

😞 You shoulda seen this coming. You’re stupid. Why didn’t you prepare better?

😞 You coulda stopped this if you only tried harder

😞You woulda had your article published if you focused more
You SHOULDA known better. When will you learn?

My article is about how to recognize the warning signs of an impending crash, learn radical rest and most importantly - throw the “coulda woulda shouldas” away once and for all.


#chronicillness #disability #disabilityrights #spoonie #pem #brainfog #radicalrest #pots #mcas #Dysautonomia
#mecfs #longcovid #rest #gaslighting
They should seriously listen to themselves. "YOU couldn't have picked a worse time to break your leg." has a rather insensitive tone to it. I really don't know of anybody who would deliberately break a limb, to get out of work. @broadwaybabyto
Also. "You can't be sick. We need you to (insert task)". The guilt I felt when I had to give up on volunteering 😮😣 was crushing. But, I kept crashing. This was back in 1994. I tried to get back into it, in 2014, but only lasted 3 months. In 2022, I found out I am Autistic. That explained everything. No more people-pleasing. @broadwaybabyto