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This article about BC teen who ended up in the ICU with bird flu is terrifying. Intubated, ECMO, plasma exchange. She will have a long road ahead.

I want to remind people that a well fitted respirator offers excellent protection

Don’t handle sick birds or other wild animals

Our hospital system would NOT be able to provide this level of care if H5N1 becomes a pandemic. And if this young teen had been in the US I imagine her family might be bankrupt.

I’m glad she’s doing better - but shame on the news article for trying to “calm monger” by talking about her BMI as if it’s to blame. Even the headline is downplaying the severity

A 13 year old has spent over a month in hospital due to H5N1. She’s still not out. Lead with THAT


#birdflu #pandemic #H5N1 #wearamask #publichealth