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It was a *bumper* month for next generation Covid vax development! 🎉

– New data from 7 clinical trials! Another vax outperformed the BNT/Pfizer vaccine, this time in people with suppressed immune systems

– A major milestone for Project NextGen

– News on regulators' plans for pancoronavirus vax applications

– Human challenge study group news

– Plus 12 reports of preclinical research

Post @PLOS https://absolutelymaybe.plos.org/2024/12/03/a-bumper-month-for-trial-results-of-nextgen-covid-vaccines-update-23/
#Covid #Covid19 #Vaccines
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Lots of next gen vax news from @hildabast . No huge breakthroughs, but much progress.

For folks with bit hopes for mucosal vaccines:

"➡️ 5 mucosal vaccines are currently authorized for use, at least 1 in each of 6 countries. However, none have been authorized by a drug regulatory agency designated stringent, or listed, by WHO.
➡️ 31 mucosal vaccines have reached clinical trial, although some of the vaccines are no longer in development. The vaccines that have entered clinical trials are tracked in a table below.
➡️ In addition to the 5 authorized mucosal vaccines, 4 have reached phase 2 trials, and another 2 have reached phase 2/3 trial."


#SARSCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver