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Never underestimate the power of wearing a mask.

It’s an act of solidarity with disabled people.

It’s an act of resistance against governments trying to convince you the covid threat is over and that certain people are “expendable”.

It’s an act of compassion. You’re showing your unwillingness to be responsible for the death or disability of another person.

It’s self care. You’re protecting your health and the health of those around you.

We could have chosen to learn from the early period of the pandemic. We could have been excited about eradicating an entire strain of the flu - and adopted masking as a powerful public health tool.

Instead we made them political - and to this day people are willing to be repeatedly infected with Covid rather than do something different.

They cling to the narrative “we didn’t mask before Covid so why should we now?”

The answer is simple. When you know better - you do better.

We know Covid is a serious multi system virus that’s causing long term harm. We know a good respirator prevents catching or spreading it.

We need to adapt - and it’s not too late.

#covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #longcovid #wearamask #disability #ableism #cleanair