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The Democratic Republic of #Congo has filed criminal complaints in France and Belgium saying that #Apple's supply chain is contaminated with "blood minerals".

Their lawyers argue Apple is complicit in crimes committed by armed groups that control mines.



This is a key text by Siddhartha Kara
The cover of Cobalt Red. How the blood of the Congo powers our lives, shows men precariously balanced on slopes of rocky red earth, spades in hand
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
perhaps the same goes for the Cobalt used in all Lithium batteries
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Why the fuck are they used in phones? What's another half ounce and 1/4 inch of thickness to use something like NiHM batteries that don't contain cobalt-or even lithium iron phosphate batteries that also don't contain cobalt?

Electric cars, electric bikes, and electric aircraft (drones or otherwise) are the only uses I can think of where power to weight is so fucking critical. There they compete with gasoline, who's refining also uses a great deal of cobalt.
just a fashion aesthetic then? People need information and education on that.
when your pack weighs 20 pounds (even in school!) what's another ounce in the phone?

It's not like that phone has to fly...
is not about logic or ethical responsibility,
it's about the competitive nature of the "free market"

which is why we are racing towards oblivion