from my experience, some apps that transitioned from the old material design to material design 3 have become a bit laggy on my old tablet (the most notable example of that K-9 mail; went from smooth to really laggy...)
Aside from performance, material design 3 looks ok... but i like the older one much more
If it was like how the Material Files app does it (a toggle in settings for using the new or the old one), then I'm perfectly fine with it
It's the default refresh gesture on both mobile OSes for decades. That aside, they should not need that, setup autoupdates and carry on. Unattended operations on Android 12 or later are available for more than a year now.
There are still phones and ROMs that kill background apps without notification so that it is sometimes necessary to manually update the repos. Let it be decades, I still know a lot of people who don't know this gesture.
But i said that earlier without success. We can stop this here.
Kay Ohtie, Bat-Yotie! •
Micr0byte •
justpixel •
rishav_sharma_001 •
nictakiego •
Ditol •
eternaltyro •
alex_c •
Sorro •
Aside from performance, material design 3 looks ok... but i like the older one much more
If it was like how the Material Files app does it (a toggle in settings for using the new or the old one), then I'm perfectly fine with it
Buntbart •
F-Droid •
Buntbart •
F-Droid •
Buntbart •
Let it be decades, I still know a lot of people who don't know this gesture.
But i said that earlier without success. We can stop this here.
Richard ⬜🟩⬛ •
cube :mastodon: •
Christian Tietze •
Scivolemulo •