The #new #speechlessness - #media #communication
Abstract: #FYI (for your information)
The acronym "FYI" in the title is representative of a number of linguistic changes that I have come across in the course of my recent "field studies" on #media #theory. One result of the previous trilogy on "media theory" may well be the discovery of a "new speechlessness" in the form of #acronyms and #emojis, for example.
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Abstract: #FYI (for your information)
The acronym "FYI" in the title is representative of a number of linguistic changes that I have come across in the course of my recent "field studies" on #media #theory. One result of the previous trilogy on "media theory" may well be the discovery of a "new speechlessness" in the form of #acronyms and #emojis, for example.
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Die neue Sprachlosigkeit - mediale Kommunikation
Die neue Sprachlosigkeit - mediale Kommunikation hinsichtlich der neuen Kommunikationsformen "in virtual life" der digitalen MedienPhilo Sophies (philosophies - Philosophieblog & Wissenschaftsblog)