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The Cons now have control of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of gov't.

They have not been this powerful for 100 years. Literally since the 1920s.


#Pelosi #DeadwoodDems #Hoyer #Clyburn #Nadler #Neal #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Jeffries #WassermanSchultz #Schumer #Durbin #resistance #FascistTakover
The leadership of the Democratic party fucked up really bad. Their performance over the last few decades could not have been worse.

Nobody wants to hear it, but we cannot fix the problem until we admit we have a problem.


#Pelosi #DeadwoodDems #Hoyer #Clyburn #Nadler #Neal #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Jeffries #WassermanSchultz #Schumer #Durbin #resistance #FascistTakover

LukefromDC hat dies geteilt

The lasting impact of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden is the establishment of a fascist dictatorship in a country which used to proudly call itself the land of the free.

They could not have fucked up worse.

We desperately need to face that reality.


#Pelosi #DeadwoodDems #Hoyer #Clyburn #Nadler #Neal #FascistEnablers #uspol #uspolitics #Jeffries #WassermanSchultz #Schumer #Durbin #resistance #FascistTakover #Obama #Biden #Reid

LukefromDC hat dies geteilt