have spent 10,000 hours reading every “Understanding The Trump Voter” think piece. have watched 500 documentaries. have consulted the ancient texts. turns out they’re just nazis. im so fucking mad
If you say that your uncle is a #Trump supporter, but no fascist, you are dooming us to relearn a lesson of history.
If you say your uncle pays for prostitution but is no prostitute, please remember that prostitutes do not create prostitution. Paying clients do. Without clients, prostitution cannot exist, by definition.
Snarling, uniformed INCELs are only the tip of the fascist iceberg. They make themselves visible. The rest of the iceberg looks like your uncle.
Nissa Tolton •
If you say your uncle pays for prostitution but is no prostitute, please remember that prostitutes do not create prostitution. Paying clients do. Without clients, prostitution cannot exist, by definition.
Snarling, uniformed INCELs are only the tip of the fascist iceberg. They make themselves visible. The rest of the iceberg looks like your uncle.