Jurists for #Palestine, judges, prosecutors & lawyers hand a petition with more than 1,200 signatures to the Spanish parliament calling for sanctions & a total arms embargo against genocidal #Israel.
http://qodsna.com/en/398302/Hundreds-of-Spanish-judges-demand-Madrid-cut-ties-with-Israel-and-sanction-Netanyahu #BDS #StopArmingIsrael
http://qodsna.com/en/398302/Hundreds-of-Spanish-judges-demand-Madrid-cut-ties-with-Israel-and-sanction-Netanyahu #BDS #StopArmingIsrael
Hundreds of Spanish judges demand Madrid cut ties with Israel and sanction Netanyahu
A group of Spanish legal professionals has called on the government to break diplomatic ties with Zionist regime and impose sanctions against Benjamin Netanyahu over war crimes.Qods News Agency