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Next week I'll be starting a pretty ambitious project—50 Days of LIT Prompts. Every weekday for 10 weeks, I'll be sharing prompt patterns along with my thoughts and readings relating to Large Language Models like those behind #ChatGPT. Follow the link below, and this thread, for updates: https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/
In a brightly lit workshop with natural light streaming in, a young woman and a young man are intently and happily working on a complex robot placed on a cluttered table. They are both dressed in casual attire. The workshop is a blend of old and new, with clocks visible in the background, conveying an atmosphere of creativity and innovation.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
Using AI to Distill and Question Texts: Summarize and question the contents of a webpage from within the browser¹


"...everyone's been handed a telescope [LLMs], and they keep looking through the wrong end... Instead of writing prompts with 5 words and expecting 500, more folks should be providing 500 and asking for 5."

¹ The first in my 50-day series on large language models. See https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts

#AI #promptPatterns #LLM #promptEngineering
Image of a distillery, the floor, however, is covered in books.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
A Rose by Any Other Name¹


What if I you could select a word or phrase, click a button, and get a definition, be it for a word, idiom, or initialism without leaving the page you're on? Well, I'm happy to say today's prompt template does just that.

It also starts us down the path of understanding how a neural net works!

¹ Day 2 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

#AI #promptPatterns #LLM #promptEngineering #corpusLinguistics
An open dictionary atop a table in a library reading room.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
Sometimes, I imagine the HAL 9000 answering emails on my behalf simply by saying, "I'm Sorry, Dave can't do that." So, today's title was a no brainier.

I'm Sorry, Dave Can't Do That: [Have AI] Use the text of an email to draft a polite reply declining any request(s)¹


"Sometimes you just need to solve the blank page problem."

¹ Day 3 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

#AI #promptPatterns #LLM #promptEngineering #GPT #EmailEtiquette
Image of an apologetic robot shrugging in front of a computer at a desk.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
Today's post includes some of my thoughts on AI and labor.¹

You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/define-words-in-context/

"...AI art doesn't copy human artists the way you think it does & that queasy feeling it gives you isn't about copyright. It's antitrust and labor."

We also revisit Tuesday's prompt, adding context and improving its performance.

¹ Day 4 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

#AI #promptPatterns
#LLM #promptEngineering
Someone reading a dictionary on a moving train.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
Weaving back together a thread I broke here: https://mastodon.social/@Colarusso/111822622845238570

Flip a Poem; Roll an "App": Turn the outcome of a coin flip into a poem and package this as an "app"¹ See https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/coinflip-poem/

¹ Day 5 of my series on prompt engineering.
Watercolor of a "poet" flipping a coin.
Weaving back together a thread I broke above.

I Turned My Scholarly Papers Into Chatbots so People Don't Have To Read Them 🤞¹ See https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/papers2bots/

¹ Day 6 of my series on prompt engineering.
An anthropomorphic talking book.
Recipe prospecting¹ hack:


In which I walk through how to get the LIT Prompts browser extension to show me only the recipe on a webpage, not some SEO-motivated short essay.²

¹ The act of sifting through long-form text in search of a recipe.
² This is part of a larger series. See https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/
Collection of ingredients for preparing an apple pie
New post! In which I get an LLM to read an email, create a list of action items, and add them to a to-do list.¹


¹ Day 8 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

#AI #promptPatterns #LLM #promptEngineering #GPT
A Robot taking hand-written notes.
All week I've been writing on the Internet about using LLMs to summarize and extract data from texts. So, this shouldn't come as a surprise.

"Follow This One Trick to Write Great Headlines"¹


I figured generating a headline is kind of the apotheosis of this week's prompts. I mean, ideally, it feels like a headline is a distillation of a text's essence.

¹ Day 9 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/

#AI #LLM #promptEngineering #GPT
Robots giving an pitch to a room of "ad men," a group of men and women with 60's attire.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Jahr her)
In February's chill, on a Friday morn,
9:08, the day's promise is newly born.¹

Today we learn how to make the LIT Prompts extension into a rhyming clock: A Poem for the Moment.²


¹ If you like this, you'll love @genmon's physical rhyming clock. Buy one here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/genmon/poem-1-the-ai-poetry-clock/
² Day 10 of my series on prompt engineering. https://sadlynothavocdinosaur.com/posts/50-days-of-lit-prompts/
A room full of clocks
What if lawyers could log time in simulators like pilots?

Honestly, it's no longer a "what if" question. I spent the weekend writing up some notes on how to build simple simulations today.


Heck, I even put together a simple simulation based on my time as a public defender.


#AI #promptPatterns #LLM #promptEngineering #GPT

Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt