Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo Al Gore
Civilization based on solar electricity for all human uses is urgent. Investing in all transportation, trains, cars, ships, airplanes powered by electricity from the sun is the way out of poverty and wars in the world. Clean rivers, organic agriculture and Waldorf and Montessori pedagogies; scientific and ecological for a permanent civilization.
#mexico #for #Gaza #palestine #news #Noticias
Civilization based on solar electricity for all human uses is urgent. Investing in all transportation, trains, cars, ships, airplanes powered by electricity from the sun is the way out of poverty and wars in the world. Clean rivers, organic agriculture and Waldorf and Montessori pedagogies; scientific and ecological for a permanent civilization.
#mexico #for #Gaza #palestine #news #Noticias
Civilización sustentada en electricidad solar para todos los usos humanos es urgente
Civilización sustentada en electricidad solar para todos los usos humanos es urgente. Invertir en todos los transportes, trenes, autos, barcos, aviones impulsados con electricidad proveniente del s…escritores para el cambio | writers for change