❗ 👉 "The time for playing nice is over. The time for strategic cooperation has passed. The time for proving our commitment to bipartisanship is dead. When your opponent declares total war, you don't respond by helping them pass their transportation bill.
What would real resistance look like? Start with the obvious: Vote no. Vote no on everything." @Daojoan
#Trump #Democrats #resistance #politics
What would real resistance look like? Start with the obvious: Vote no. Vote no on everything." @Daojoan
#Trump #Democrats #resistance #politics
It's Scorched Earth Time
This is a battle for the survival of American democracy itself. And you don't win that battle by helping your opponents load their weapons.Joan Westenberg (The Index.)
LukefromDC •
If that isn't enough, remind the GOP that if we burn, they burn with us! If they force a civil war it will wreck the economy. Evem unopposed mass deportation is probably enough to burn down the economy at its agricultural base. That will cause many of their fortunes to sprout wings and fly away.