_The Evening Post_, 27 February 1925:
A #Wellington periodical recently published #photographs showing a number of infantile paralysis #patients who are under treatment at the Wellington Hospital. At yesterday’s meeting of the Hospital Board, exception to the photographs being published was taken by Mr. C. H. Chapman, who wanted to know who gave permission for the photographs to be taken. He voiced his strong disapproval of such photographs being permitted to be taken, and said he hoped that whoever had taken them would never be permitted to do so again. The chairman (Mr. F. Castle) said as far as he knew no member of the board gave authority. Mr. C. M. Luke stated that his committee intended to bring up the matter at its next meeting.
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #Children #Hospitals #Polio #Poliomyelitis #Privacy #NewZealand
A #Wellington periodical recently published #photographs showing a number of infantile paralysis #patients who are under treatment at the Wellington Hospital. At yesterday’s meeting of the Hospital Board, exception to the photographs being published was taken by Mr. C. H. Chapman, who wanted to know who gave permission for the photographs to be taken. He voiced his strong disapproval of such photographs being permitted to be taken, and said he hoped that whoever had taken them would never be permitted to do so again. The chairman (Mr. F. Castle) said as far as he knew no member of the board gave authority. Mr. C. M. Luke stated that his committee intended to bring up the matter at its next meeting.
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #Children #Hospitals #Polio #Poliomyelitis #Privacy #NewZealand