This is Lilla mää. Translates maybe as Little baa? She is one of our three sheep girls living here. She is teaching kids about kindness towards everything living and has a very high pitch voice.. 💚😱 She was hand fed as a baby so she really connects with people. She is such a charmer, and does alot of tricks. Her friends are Tåffslan and Viffslan. This spring we are doing a big open event for kids learning about animals and their emotions. (And maybe our own emotions) Scary but exciting. Today I had a new garden group at the community centre for seniors. We are creating a new garden that will be easier to be in when you're in a wheelchair. I'm so happy for this opportunity to learn and share. Volunteering is amazing you meet people you never would elsewhere. When I started to look for kindness I started to see it everywhere. And god knows that it is important at the moment. #rescue #bekind #volunteer