google’s latest fuckery: if you write online, read this
The Google app for iOS now adds THEIR links to YOUR posts from YOUR website unless you opt-out.
Their links lead people away from your site and back to Google. Because that’s definitely what you want, right? That’s why you have a blog or portal or web site or whatever. You want people to leave your site and go back to Google.
Oh, it’s not?
If you don’t like it, you can “Opt out.” Opting out is a pain in the ass. Here’s where you go to do it. You have to enter every variation of each of your domains or it won’t work. It will take up to 30 days, during which time Google will continue to pollute your work and your writing and your website with their modifications and their added links to take people away from your site and back to themselves.
For example, here’s the list of what I need to opt-out just for this one blog:
Yes, you explicitly have to file no prefix, http:, and https: variants separately. They say so.
Making it difficult like this is 100% intentional and entirely designed to make it as annoying as possible, and also, to make sure you slip up if at all possible and forget one or more combinations.
(Tho’ I am just going to depreciate web. as a prefix right now, to bring down the load a little. Still gonna list ’em, though, because spite is why.)
Right now it’s only in the Google app for iOS and it’s probably a test to see whether they can get away with it without complaint, and how much revenue it generates. Let’s make that a combination of no and as close to zero as possible. Because otherwise they’ll roll it out everywhere, and probably derank you if you don’t go along.
Fucking hell, Google. Fuck you. Just… fuck you.
#art #t0000000000bs_ #writing
Google app for iOS now adds Search links to third-party websites unless they opt-out
Web publishers can opt out via a provided form, but changes might not take effect for up to 30 days.Brady Snyder (Yahoo Tech)
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Seirdy •
Clicking annotations doesn't navigate away from your site to a Google search; it triggers an overlay with infoboxes about the term you selected. It's similar to the iOS "Look Up" option for selected text. It's wrong to do because this obfuscates what is and isn't a link the author placed on the page. Inserting what appears to be links into the page crosses the line from user-agent interventions, such as adblocking or turning off certain unsafe features (acceptable) to editing an author's words in a way that isn't required for people to read them (unacceptable).
Editing page contents is fine if it's necessary for people to read them, e.g. translations or the WAI-Adapt standards. Both ideally inform the user that the page has been modified. Page Annotations go well beyond that.
Originally posted on
: See Original (POSSE).WAI-Adapt Overview
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) (Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI))khm •