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The weather today has been miserable, but as donkeys we are 100% here for it with 0% reservations or complaints. Our life philosophy can be summed up in a single word: WHATEVER!

Two very frosty looking donkeys in a snowy barnyard and the dim light of dusk. They have a barnstall in which to take shelter but mostly prefer to be snowed upon. It shows.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Nevertheless, they’re getting warm coats tonight.
Ok after some gentle persuasion I was given consent to brush some of the snow off the burritos and wrap them in their warm tortillas. 🌯🌯 #asstodon
Two frosty donkeys now wearing warm winter coats and eating their evening hay from large tubs. The warm cozy barn beckons in the background but they’d rather not.