We stopped buying store eggs a year ago because we can get eggs from our neighbors who raise chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese. We always take care about contact with egg shells and proper cooking, but are wondering if these backyard eggs are all that safe now with #birdflu. Chicken keepers or others chime in!
Neighbor hens naturally produce a lot less in the cold so our egg consumption is down anyway. We’re ovo-lacto #vegetarian but maybe it’s time to go #vegan and find different protein.
Neighbor hens naturally produce a lot less in the cold so our egg consumption is down anyway. We’re ovo-lacto #vegetarian but maybe it’s time to go #vegan and find different protein.
ben •
my big fear is if somebody in the flock gets sick. because the current situation is testing then probably they all get put down. which is awful to think about.
impermanen_ 🕊️ •
LukefromDC •
impermanen_ 🕊️ •