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The problem with American health care in one graph... they spend more for worse results (measured in life expectancy).

No wonder Americans are dissatisfied with health insurers.... the gap between America & other counties can be measured either in lives shortened or in profits from health care (or, of course, both!)

#Health #USPol
Chart: Americans spend more on health - and live sorter lives - than people in peer countries. Trajectories in health spending *$) and life expectancy (years) by country from 1980 - 2022.

Shows most countries starting from a relatively similar place in 1980 with life expectancy around 75 years and spending in health spending per capita around $1000 - in 2022 life expectancy on average in peer countries had risen to around 82, with spending around $6-7,000 per capita, while in the US, leif expectance was around 76 with expenditure around $13,000 per head