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🚀 Want to level up your Linux skills? Learn how to search files like a pro with find & locate. This guide is perfect for beginners and includes tips for handling permissions & large data sets.

Read it here: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-27/

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A terminal window with a command find ~ -type d executed. The output lists directories in the user's home directory, such as /home/steve, /home/steve/.local, /home/steve/.config, /home/steve/docker, /home/steve/.ssh, and more.
A terminal window with a command find ~ -type f -size -100k executed. The output lists files under the user's home directory that are smaller than 100 KB, including .smbcredentials, .bashrc, docker-compose.yml, test_file.txt, .profile, and others.
A terminal window with a command locate zip | grep bin executed. The output lists binary files related to "zip," such as /bin/bunzip2, /bin/gzip, and firmware files like /lib/firmware/qed/qed_init_values_zipped- The list continues with similar entries.