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Laughingsquid unearths 1920's comic on the "pocket telephone"


#smartphone #humor
Comic strip When We All have Pocket Telephones

Shows all the inconvenient places it will ring

First: When running for a train (ting, ting, ting)
When your hands are full (in a train, with suitcase and cane and shopping)
When it is raining (holding umbrella) "Yes yes Hullo Who Is It?"
At a Concert (Ting Ting Ting! Shh! Sh -h-h!)
When you are given a baby to hold
"That bell is frightening the poor mite!" (ting ! ting!)
When you are being married
"Ting! Ting!"
"[...]a good science-fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam."
-Frederik Pohl, 1968