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Speaking of Horizontal hierarchical orgs... https://kafeneio.social/@heretical_i/113754707065077064


yianiris hat dies geteilt

The EZLN was founded in 17 Nov 83, the Zapatista uprising was on 1/1/1994 not 91

So it took 10 years of organizing before their presence was known, and what a presence that was.

Thinking central authority and concentration of power, the army took over and defended city centers, what the zapatista autonomy did not need any way.

The most superiority those autonomies have is that the state (and Marxists) can not effectively fight what they can not understand

@heretical_i @yogthos

Heretical_i hat dies geteilt

## Horizontal vs Vertical social organization

Undemocratic and from above as always, this is managerial humor of 5th grade level.

The simplest problem for those having it, the simplest problem for those defining it, and those who have/gain the authority to solve it, are all different.

When managerial stuff meet to solve a problem they/themselves defined, their interests are not to solve the problem but to gain the authority (jurisdiction) among others on who is best fit to solve it, therefore competing by individual interests to convince those with authority to delegate such authority to them. So the simple may become infinitely complex when the rest are not backing off and letting the "winner" undertake the task, who in reality will delegate tasks to inferiors to actually solve it.

So this joke really is on hierarchical authoritarian structures and how removed they are from the actual/physical world and the problem solution process.

If a community would meet to solve their simple problem of plumbing, irrigation, sewage, electric power, the interests of those members is to best solve the problem (themselves solving their own problem), and it is them who will actually do work to solve it, so proposal means also commitment to do work. Then, more complex problems tend to become simpler by discussion, analysis, diagnosis, and mutual decision. Usually those with most skill and experience tend to be most convincing in the debate on how to solve it.

Credentials that a community knows about each other, and rational discussion on material matters. Not bureaucracies issuing and certifying authorities to decide by specialty.

For ministry representatives attacking the problem of social isolation, loneliness, and depression ... a perception can explode into definition of an epidemic, for which institutions, offices, stuff, budgets need to be formed abd allocated.

When all it would take is to hang the bosses high and dry! Simple really, and FUN!

@Yogthos @Heretical_i
#libertarian #communism #socialism #vanguardism
#one dimensional marxists
About that One Dimension @yianiris, via Fidel, at an early 1960s OLAS conference, embedded in #AbbieHoffman's first book. Marcuse tried to drag #MarxISTS (a suffix, like 'ism', meaning 'something like', or attempting to be) kicking and screaming into, at least, the 20th century. They still hate him for it.

Text in image Alt

"There are times when political documents, called Marxist, give the impression that someone has gone to an archive and asked for a form: form 14, form 13, form 12; they are all alike, with the same empty words, in language incapable expressing real situations.

Very often, these documents are divorced from real life. And then many people are told that this is Marxism...and in what way is this different from a catechism. and in what way is it different from a litany, from a rosary?...

.. The communist movement developed a method, a style, and in some aspects, even took on the characteristics of a religion. And we sincerely believe that the character should be left behind.

Of course, to some of these "illustrious revolutionary thinkers" we are only petit bourgeois adventurers without revolutionary maturity. We are lucky that the Revolution came before maturity!" ~Major Fidel Castro Ruiz, Speech delivered at the closing of the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS), August 10, 1967. Gleaned from Revolution For The Hell Of It, Abbie Hoffman, 1968, Dial Press
I forgot the prologue 😎@yianiris @yogthos