Beiträge, die mit AbbieHoffman getaggt sind
About that One Dimension @yianiris, via Fidel, at an early 1960s OLAS conference, embedded in #AbbieHoffman's first book. Marcuse tried to drag #MarxISTS (a suffix, like 'ism', meaning 'something like', or attempting to be) kicking and screaming into, at least, the 20th century. They still hate him for it.
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#AbbieHoffman said: "Teach your children to DISRESPECT authority or your democracy is a farce.
Example, from A King In New York, Charlie Chaplin, with subs. #QuestiionAuthority #Anarchism #KidsToday be like kids alway... #FuckTheSystem #DisrespectAuthority
Example, from A King In New York, Charlie Chaplin, with subs. #QuestiionAuthority #Anarchism #KidsToday be like kids alway... #FuckTheSystem #DisrespectAuthority