Someone mentioned a habit they are unable or unwilling to drop when writing, which is to use double spaces after a fullstop.
But it doesn't really matter, because it can be easily fixed by searching for [space bar pressed twice] and replacing it with [space bar pressed once].
Occasionally I accidentally type two spaces, as do people who type up book for publishing houses because I notice them in printed books, but it's easily fixed, so it's never a problem.
#Writing #Books
But it doesn't really matter, because it can be easily fixed by searching for [space bar pressed twice] and replacing it with [space bar pressed once].
Occasionally I accidentally type two spaces, as do people who type up book for publishing houses because I notice them in printed books, but it's easily fixed, so it's never a problem.
#Writing #Books
A •
Lydia Conwell •
Virginicus •
Lydia Conwell •
Lydia Conwell •